

Fancy Counterattack Male God Scheme of Quick Wear

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: No matter how early the two roommates noticed the contradictions and cracks between them, there was no need to hide them deliberately. One of them couldn't help saying, "Juanjuan, I don't understand why you always aim at Ruyi. Can't you be more broad-minded?" Yes, we will be together for another two years. You're making it really hard for us to get along like this. What's wrong with me? Didn't it do you any good? When Jiang Juanjuan heard this, she exploded in an instant. Who cares about your benefits? Don't look down on people! Roommates are also very angry. Come on, she won't understand. Xu Ruyi pulled the other two excited people, "We make friends with our heart, and she will not understand the calculation everywhere." She went to the balcony and took out the dirty clothes to wash. Jiang Juanjuan sat there, sulking alone. At this time, she saw that Xu Ruyi's computer on the desk was not turned off and was opening a page she had designed before. The two roommates were focused on their respective screens and did not notice her movements. Chapter 5126 Game Female Anchor vs Campus Male God. As soon as her mind changed, Jiang Juanjuan began to become nervous. She turned sideways, blocking the view of the people on the other side of the balcony, and quietly copied the manuscript designed by Xu Ruyi. After that, Jiang Juanjuan immediately climbed back to her bed, pretended to play games, and waited a few seconds before opening her laptop to save things. She found that it was indeed a design competition organized by the school department. He also jealously saw that the semi-finished products made by Xu Ruyi were quite excellent. On the manuscript, her unique opinions and ideas may not be able to come up with in her poor life. Some angrily clenched their fists,smart boards for conference rooms, and Jiang Juanjuan calmed down her anger. It seems that this manuscript still needs to do the last step of coloring, just need her to do it first, and then hand it in ahead of time. Jiang Juanjuan finally felt out of the mouth, not so depressed. She quickly revised the manuscript and then completed the final steps. While Xu Ruyi was still washing clothes on the balcony, he quickly submitted the manuscript. Then Jiang Juanjuan exhaled. In this way, as long as Xu Ruyi hands it in again, the jury will find two very similar contributions. And she handed it in in the front,smart board touch screen, and what she handed in later must be plagiarism! Thinking of this, Jiang Juanjuan's mouth has shown a winner's smile. With the plagiarism incident, and then "carelessly" exposed the video of her private mingling with a group of social idlers, but also afraid that she would not be demerit and expelled from school? As long as she has these stains, no matter where she goes, there will be no good results! Jiang Juanjuan seemed to foresee her future, and the whole person was very comfortable. When Xu Ruyi came back after washing his clothes, he saw the computer on the table and his eyes dimmed slightly. She set the lock screen time, according to the speed of washing clothes, this should be a black screen. However, when it came over, it had just gone dark. This means that someone must have done something! Xu Ruyi hates anyone who touches her things at will without her permission, let alone such personal privacy items as mobile phones and computers. Want to know, 4k smart board ,smart interactive whiteboard, that person must be Jiang Juanjuan. Sit back, pretend to open as if nothing had happened, and find that the files inside have not been deleted, which is likely to be copied away. Xu Ruyi opened the school's competition website and saw that Jiang Juanjuan had just submitted her work. At this moment, the content submitted by each person is still confidential, and no one else's work can be seen. Jiang Juanjuan took the opportunity to let her submit the same manuscript repeatedly, and both of them were in the same dormitory, which could prove that they were plagiarizing. Xu Ruyi thought about it and did not change the new work, but improved the previous manuscript and submitted it directly. Because the original manuscript is somewhat flawed, it becomes more perfect and excellent after revision. She can be sure that people like Jiang Juanjuan who can only steal other people's achievements, even if they get their own semi-finished products, can not make it more brilliant. Big deal, is to modify the next small defect, when the time comes to see the natural superiority. After submitting the manuscript, Xu Ruyi pretended to look up casually. She found that although Jiang Juanjuan was sitting on the bed, she kept her eyes on this side, paying attention to her movements. When seeing the new manuscript on the website, Jiang Juanjuan obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a smile after the plot succeeded. Xu Ruyi ignored her and began to prepare for her live broadcast. Put on your ears, cut off all the noise, and quickly plunge into your own world. Chapter 5127 Game Female Anchor vs Campus Male God. The design competition organized by the school soon began its first evaluation. When both of their works appeared one after the other at the same time, everyone's face became interesting. This is almost a "twin" entry, obviously one side is plagiarizing ah! This is too blatant, is afraid that others can not see it? Jiang Juanjuan has always had a good image in school, and after plastic surgery, she has been rated as a school beauty and called a campus goddess. She is also sociable and pretentious, and has a good relationship with the boys at school. Xu Ruyi, on the other hand, was unknown and not noticed by many people. Just because two people are in the same dormitory, more or less heard about it. At this time, before anyone else spoke, Jiang Juanjuan was the first to stand up and "maintain". " It must be because Ruyi and I have been in the same dormitory for a long time that our thoughts are synchronized. I believe in her personality and can't copy her best friend's work! Her support group immediately jumped out: "Juanjuan, you are too kind, how can this be forgiven?"? No matter how coincidental, it is impossible for the similarity to reach more than 80%! It can't be thought synchronization at all! I hate this kind of person. If you treat her as a friend, she will bully you without limit. Juanjuan, don't indulge this kind of person, today she can copy your work, tomorrow she can steal! If you don't cure it, you can kill and set fire the day after tomorrow! "Yes, severely punish him!" Jiang Juanjuan looks more anxious than anyone else: "Don't say that,interactive whiteboards in the classroom, Ruyi certainly won't.". I know who she is! "Juanjuan, you are too simple to be cheated by her!" When Qiao Zhou saw it, the whole person was so angry that he almost didn't breathe.



Exorcist II

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Therefore, it is not difficult to investigate the situation from the perspective of people, but to give others a sense of security and dependence. Of course, he did not forget to tell them not to mention that he often came here. After all, he is a "security guard", and he is not allowed to "slack off" and "chat up", and he can easily be fired. Sister Lin, have you ever seen this man? When there was no one in the lounge, Bao Datong asked a Miss Lin sweetly. Dongnuan Pavilion has just opened, and Miss Lin has been working here. She is a senior person. This kind of person often knows all the dirty things that are bright, dark and shameful. It took Bao Datong three days to determine that she was the best target from a large group of female employees. She was older than Bao Datong, but Bao Datong called him Sister Lin, and she loved to hear it. You're not here to work, are you? "Sister Lin didn't take the picture and didn't look up." Someone asked me to ask about something and make some extra money. My sister won't help me, will she? Miss Lin looked at Bao Datong and hesitated for a moment. She has been working for a long time, and she has read countless people. The man in front of her is not as mean and dirty as other men,75 inch smart board, nor as sanctimonious as those rich men. He is a gentle and reliable man, and he is also very handsome. He belongs to the best that is hard to meet. Many sisters are eager to be taken in by him so that they can leave here. That's why he is so popular. But judging from his demeanor, temperament, speech and behavior, he is definitely not an ordinary person, let alone a small security guard. Sisters with brains should be able to feel it. But his methods of geomancy and exorcism are really very useful. Le Gong is not very peaceful recently. Everyone feels safe when he is here. He must have come for a purpose, but she felt that he was not a policeman,interactive touch screens education, nor was he malicious. Perhaps he was hired by the women behind the wealthy businessmen to investigate a little bit of lace, which she had seen a lot, and it was okay to reveal it. It's just that when he knows what he wants to know, he'll leave, right? What if something strange happens here again? "My sister will help you." She sighed. Such a man would not have belonged to them, because he had tried to help them, no matter what the purpose is, return him. After taking the photo, she looked at it for a long time, and then frowned. "This man is a member of Dongnuan Pavilion, but he doesn't come often.". Sisters all know that this person is difficult to serve, touch screen interactive whiteboard ,interactive flat panel display, can not be touched, a touch of anger, as if very misogynistic. Because he is so special, almost everyone knows him, but he hasn't been here for a long time, more than a month, right? "He's dead." Bao Datong said calmly. Sister Lin was taken aback. "Dead?"? He's so young! "Are there any ages for illness?" "So he died of illness!" "Sister Lin heaved a sigh." Did he deserve a violent death? Bao Datong's eyes are shining. Who the hell are you? Sister Lin understood that she could not pry into other people's privacy and never said much, but today she could not help it. Bao Datong smiled and understood that the woman did not believe that he was a security guard, and that everyone had a tacit understanding with each other, so he comfortingly patted her hand, "No matter who I am, I will not harm you.". Believe me, there's only one thing I need to know. Sister Lin did not speak, but strangely believed that the man in front of her was a woman's instinct and could never be wrong. I really don't know about him. He seldom comes here. Even if he comes here, it's to entertain guests and friends. He just stays and leaves. "Is there no girl who is close to him?" Bao Datong frowned, and the answer was beyond his expectation. Sister Lin shook her head firmly, "absolutely not.". Everyone felt that he was a little scary, even his skin seemed to have no luster and elasticity, like a dead fish. No?! Resentment spirit appeared here, Sun Han and other three people's death is related to pornography, all evidence shows that there should be a woman and Sun Han and other three people in this place had a relationship, why there is no clue? Could it be that the spirit of resentment is a female guest, or its service personnel, or a passer-by? She met Sun Han and others here by chance, and then something terrible happened? "Then look at these two men again. Are they frequent visitors to Le Gong?" He also took out the photos of Wang Leyan and Zhang Zhong, because the photos of these two people were taken from the newspaper, so Sister Lin immediately understood that these two people were also dead. "I haven't seen it." "Are you sure?" Sister Lin looked at it carefully again and nodded with great certainty. "I'm sure these two people haven't been here.". You know, the cost here is very high, even if there are many rich people these days, there may not be many people who can afford to come here. Bao Datong took back the photos of the two men, looked at them in disappointment, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind. Sister Lin said that Sun Han's skin feels like a dead fish, and the two people's skin feels very similar. Is it the problem of the angle of the photo? "Are there any girls here who suddenly quit?" He asked, "I'm not saying that the waiters of Dongnuan Pavilion left collectively a few days ago, but that in a month or so, is there anyone here who doesn't do it?" Sister Lin shook her head and didn't even think about it, which showed that the answer was certain. But her eyes twinkled, as if frightened,classroom interactive whiteboard, and she whispered with difficulty, "The waiters resigned collectively because they saw something unclean." "Oh?"? Tell me about it. Don't be afraid, I will draw an amulet for you to protect you from evil things. He's a very capable wizard. ?



About love

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Weiqing also came over, raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, Zhou, so you are very suitable for wearing bracelets!" Because she has been studying painting all the year round, she naturally has an artistic temperament, and when she is quiet, she is dignified and elegant. Zhou poked the bracelet around and said with a smile, "You have to wear a cheongsam to look good." It suddenly occurred to her that if she ever got married, she would wear a cheongsam. Looking at Weiqing, I couldn't help smiling, holding his hand and touching and rubbing, there was a kind of unspeakable happiness in my heart. Weiqing was looking at her like that, and his heart moved. He bent his head and whispered in her ear, "It looks better if you only wear this." He stared at the clothes on her body and was up to no good. Zhou suddenly reacted, glared at him, pushed him away, and sat upright. This person, all day long do not know what to think, full of dirty ideas! That afternoon, Wei's father and mother left. Two days later, Zhou Shi and Weiqing returned to Beijing because school was about to start. Chapter 41 friction The days of graduate students are just like that, studio,smartboards in classrooms, canteen, dormitory, three points and one line, which is not much different from before. What Zhou studied was oil painting, pure art, and the materials used for painting alone cost a lot of money. Although she is at public expense and has a monthly allowance, she still has to find another part-time job. Her summer job as a teaching assistant was stranded because of her father's leg injury. Fortunately, the teacher found her and said that the painting class was in urgent need of manpower and asked her if she was free to teach students at ordinary times. She promised to come down. Another girl in the dormitory was admitted to their school from other provinces. It was not easy. Her name was Lu Dan. She wore a pair of black-framed glasses and a ponytail. She was introverted, smiling and not very talkative. She has relatives in Beijing and goes to her uncle's house every weekend. As soon as Zhou saw her,smart board interactive whiteboard, he liked her very much. He did not smoke or drink, nor did he use the telephone porridge. He read and drew quietly. He felt very satisfied with his school life and his life was complete from then on. Weiqing was very busy recently and called to say that he would work hard to earn money to support his wife. Listen to the week is angry and laugh, said: "Why do you raise ah, I will make money." He told him triumphantly that as a teaching assistant for a day, there were hundreds of yuan, and life was comfortable. She has little desire for money, as long as it is enough. Of course, she occasionally wants to buy one or two luxury goods. Weiqing laughed and scolded her for being worthless. She murmured discontentedly, "You stink of money and are promising!"! Why am I not promising? I will be another little Chen Yifei in the future. She is young and has plenty of capital, so she dares to speak wildly. Chen Yifei's oil paintings are well-known at home and abroad, using Western painting techniques to endow his works with Oriental charm and perfect combination of East and West, which can be said to be a pivotal figure in contemporary painting circles. She was so envious that she idolized him. Weiqing laughed and said, "Well, well, our family will become famous in one fell swoop in the future. The whole world knows it. I, the husband, smart board whiteboard ,touch screen whiteboard, will also benefit from it, won't I?" "Speaking of Chen Yifei, I met him in Shanghai that year. He is a person with artistic temperament," he added. Zhou Shi sighed with emotion: "It's a pity that God is jealous of talents and died young." When Weiqing saw her sighing, he said with a smile, "You, listening to storytelling, shed tears and worry for the ancients.". With this leisure, you might as well come out and have dinner with your husband. Zhou shook his head. "No, I have to go to the painting class in the afternoon.". Many people want to go to the art department of our school, so there are quite a lot of students. Weiqing listened discontentedly, "You are a student, how can you be busier than my boss?" He finally had time to ask her to come out for dinner, but she refused again and again. With a bitter face, Zhou said, "I'm not perfunctory. They really want to go to class. What's wrong with studying hard and working hard?" Weiqing said helplessly, "Then you can't leave your husband alone, can you?" The week is busy say: "I do not have!"! Every time I call you, you either say you're in a meeting or you're going on a business trip, and you complain first! Weiqing surrender, "well, well, we are even, not on this topic.". Let me tell you something serious. I'm going to a friend's wedding next Sunday. If you want to go with me, don't say you're not free. Don't tell me you forgot! The more holidays, the more she had to go to class, but she couldn't refuse him any more. The last time she deliberately slipped away had made him very unhappy. Had to say sullenly: "Well, I ask for a day off with the teacher.". "Since their relationship has been established, whenever he wants to attend an occasion, he always likes to take her with him and introduce her as my fiancee in front of people.". Weiqing also wanted her to adapt to such social occasions as soon as possible. In the first one or two times, Zhou thought it was quite fresh and interesting, with grand pomp and circumstance, red men and green women, fragrant clothes and sideburns, good wine and delicious food. But when she went too much, she didn't want to. His friends were either full of business ideas or made jokes that she did not understand, and they were very unhappy. Not only did she not know anyone, but she had no common topic at all, so she had to dress up beautifully and stand like a vase giggling. Such a strange occasion made her very uncomfortable, but Weiqing was like a fish in water. She was a little depressed, and the gap between them was so obvious. Zhou tidied up the teaching materials and carried things to the painting class nearby. The teacher arranged for her to teach a cram school. Most of these students had certain painting skills and wanted to continue their studies in regular colleges and universities. Because the exam for art students was coming, the cram school was overcrowded and had to open a small class to teach separately. He is a teaching assistant in name, but in fact he is a teacher in essence. Her teacher usually talks about the theory of painting, the skills that should be paid attention to, and then let Zhou Shi demonstrate to you, let Zhou Shi explain how to draw a sketch well in the process of painting, what places need special treatment. Later, when she saw that her experience was almost accumulated, she introduced it directly to the students: "This is Teacher Zhou. She will teach your courses in the future. I hope everyone will actively cooperate with Teacher Zhou's work." Zhou is looking at the bottom of dozens of pairs of eyes together to brush at her, the first time alone to support the overall situation, it is hard to avoid some panic. The word says not neatly,interactive digital whiteboard, pretend to say calmly: "Everybody is good, we begin to have a class now." Regardless of whether the people below are listening or not, they should conscientiously complete the content that should be taught in each class.



Dream space

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Golden Tiger nods complacently: "Have of course, that turns me into weapon namely! That turns me into weapon namely!" Speaking of this, he looked at Haihua with a look of reluctance, and then said with a happy smile, "When I change my weapon, my eldest brother will be able to defeat the Emperor of the Underworld." Without waiting for Haihua to make a sound, his whole body shook and sent out a burst of light. After the light disappeared, a golden samurai sword fell in front of Haihua. Only then did Jinhu's last voice come from the air: "Eldest brother, I can only help you in this way.". Remember, when you have nothing to do, you can soak me in the barrel. Although you can't drink any more, it's better to have a dry addiction than nothing. Haihua mind a shock, Jinhu words have shown that it will never be able to change back to the original state, at this time Haihua can only silently touch the golden samurai sword. Ya fog endure tears in the eyes, looked at the side of the woman, Hanyi they know Ya fog in their own advice, although the heart is very shy, but also a strong nod. They are all women in love with Haihua. Whether Haihua wins or loses tomorrow, they will be separated from Haihua forever. The snow shadow, who had been eavesdropping, came forward at the same time. They all nodded to Yawu. The snow shadow said shyly, "We have discussed it. Although our strength is very weak,smartboard for business, but.." Yan Na originally wanted to say that her power had been blocked by the Emperor of the Underworld, but when she saw the appearance of the snow shadows, she blushed and kept silent. Yawu bowed to everyone, and then came to Haihua. Although he blushed, he still showed a firm look. He looked at Haihua's eyes and said: "Come on, Haihua, whether we fail or succeed, we can only get together tonight." Haihua felt gloomy in his heart. Yes,smart board for conference room, no matter whether he won tomorrow or not, he and his family had only one night left. Haihua has seen Yawu, Yaxia, Danyan, Xueying, Yijun, Nana and others one by one. These people have spent a brilliant time with him. Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow, he will say goodbye to these families forever. And a member of the family, the Golden Tiger, the lovely tiger who has been accompanying him since he entered the dream world, has left him first and become a weapon without feeling. If you win, I hope this golden knife can accompany you forever. Lisa saw Haihua's eyes only stayed on her body for a while, and understood her position in Haihua's heart. She could not help feeling sad. Although she was told that Haihua had lost her memory when she entered the demon world, interactive panel board ,65 inch touch screen, even if Haihua still remembered, she was still Haihua's godsister. Han Yi and Yan Na are very sad, they understand that they have only met once for Haihua magician, his feelings he simply does not know, do they bury their feelings in their hearts, and then so separated from him? Lisa, Hanyi and Yanna shook their heads at the same time. They didn't want to be separated from Haihua without showing their feelings. So three figures rushed to Haihua at the same time, and three sad voices sounded at the same time: "Haihua, I am to you.." Late at night, somewhere in the sea outside the western continent, the Emperor of the Underworld was half lying and floating in the air, surrounded by dozens of mermaids from the bottom of the sea. The mermaids danced gracefully around the Emperor of the Underworld. Although the dance was wonderful, the Emperor of the Underworld just smiled and nodded to the mermaids. He looked up at the white moon and kept silent. At this moment, you can see a black shadow floating beside him, which is small, but it seems to have life in the air. The Emperor of the Underworld glanced at the shadow and said with a smile, "For whom are you sad?" The shadow stopped writhing, and it could be seen that the shadow's head was looking up at the moon. After a while, an old voice rang out: "You and me." Why? I thought you were sad for the little master. The Emperor of the Underworld laughed. Haihua has nothing to be sad about. I believe he can defeat you. And you and I are not people who can exist in the world, so I am sad for myself and you. The emperor of the underworld said a little lonely. Beat me? Well, maybe. "The Emperor of the Underworld shook his head and said with a smile," Oh, to tell you the truth, you and I no longer belong to any world. It's really sad. " The Emperor of the Underworld looked at the moon and sighed. What made you change? I remember when you destroyed my world, your whole body was full of evil. The emperor of the underworld suddenly asked. When the Emperor of the Underworld heard this, he smiled and said, "In fact, since I became a spokesman, except for the first time I appeared and this time, I was full of resentment and bitterness as soon as I came out.". I will kill like crazy, all because I have spent a long time alone, and the feelings of loneliness, confusion and helplessness need to be vented. This time, I didn't wake up by hearing the voice of the law of the universe, and although I couldn't move for thousands of years, my mind felt the change of the world with Cusi, so this time I didn't have those feelings of resentment and loneliness. Alas, what a happy thing it would be if my mind could stop working while I waited after I disappeared. When the Emperor of the Underworld said this, he suddenly smiled at the Emperor of the Underworld and said, "Yes, why do you suddenly feel sad?" The Emperor of the Underworld sighed, "When I was turned into a black sword by you, I was abandoned by you in the earthly world. At that time, I resented you very much, because you destroyed my world.". I don't know how many years I've spent, but what I can support is what you said about finding an heir for you. When I felt the breath like you, I found that I had fallen into the hands of Haihua, and at the same time I found that I had become a samurai sword. It seems that my mission is to let Haihua meet you. The Emperor of the Underworld said with a smile,smartboards for business, "Meeting an heir like Haihua is just a little embellishment in the long years.". It's just that I've never been in a situation like this where I wake up, and I don't know if things will go as expected. By the way, you haven't said why you feel sad! ?



Genius physiognomist _ punching _ txt novel paradise

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Because the company is insured every year, after the 911 incident, Song Weilan not only did not lose money, but also made a lot of money. Now her company has chosen another place to work temporarily. Had it not been for her son's words, Song Weilan had not made waves in the financial market before, otherwise she would have earned at least billions of yuan this time and made a lot of money from the global stock market crash. Of course, if that happens, I'm afraid Ye Tian will be even more unlucky. The bad luck he is suffering now is caused by revealing the secret of heaven. Otherwise, with Ye Tian's ability to avoid disaster, how can he be so fatally injured? "The world is not at peace." Ye Tian sighed. From the time he arranged the geomantic array in Hong Kong, he felt that the vitality of heaven and earth had changed. In the next few years, great changes would take place in some areas. Mom, stay in the capital and don't go abroad again. After thinking about it, Ye Tian looked at Yu Qingya and said, "Qingya, don't do that work. Come to Hong Kong to accompany me." To say who else Ye Tian will feel guilty about, it is only Yu Qingya. From marriage to now, Ye Tian did not stay at home for a few days, but involved Yu Qingya for his fear,65 inch smart board, which makes Ye Tian feel that he did not do his duty as a husband. Ok, when I get to Hong Kong, I will make a resignation report! Yu Qingya nodded, his attitude so resolute that Ye Tian was stunned for a moment. Hey, I said, you don't want to take care of my disabled person for the rest of your life, do you? Ye Tian suddenly had some aftertaste. He also saw the hospital's report on his spinal injury yesterday,86 smart board, saying that the probability of paralysis was relatively high. That's good. You don't have time to talk to me at ordinary times. We can be together every day in the future. Although Yu Qingya smiled on her face. But there was some fog in her eyes, and in order to avoid stimulating Ye Tian, she was actually forcing a smile. No, you should keep your resignation report. I don't need you to take care of me forever. Ye Tian shook his head, knowing that his wife still liked the job very much, and that he would not really lie in bed all his life. Although it was only one night, Ye Tian could feel that his powerful divine consciousness was helpful to the treatment of the injury. Wrapped in the divine consciousness, the pain from the spine hardly affected Ye Tian. And those pieces of broken bones also have signs of being refined, Ye Tian believes that in time, his injuries will certainly be able to recover. Trust your husband, your husband is an omnipotent superman! Seeing that Yu Qingya was still waiting to speak, Ye Tian smiled and held his wife's hand beside the bed with his right hand that had just moved. Be smug! "" See Ye Tian return to the previous manner. Yu Qingya could not help smiling through tears, the shadow in her heart lightened a lot, it seems that only such Ye Tian. It will make her feel at ease. Younger Martial Brother, interactive panels for education ,interactive boards for classrooms, what's wrong with the energy on your back? It doesn't look like True Qi. Seeing that Ye Tian was in good spirits, Gou Xinjia also came over. The plane was flying very smoothly and could not even feel any turbulence. Before boarding the plane, Gou Xinjia would protect the spine of Ye Tian's back with True Qi, but it was bounced back by an indescribable energy. Had it not been for Gou Xinjia's early stop, I'm afraid everyone would have been hurt. Just now Ye Tian was surrounded by the crowd. Gou Xin's family has not found the opportunity to ask, but now it is finally unable to hold back to ask out. Mom, Qingya, you're all tired. Go to the back and have a rest. I'll talk to Elder Martial Brother. After hearing Gou Xinjia's words. Ye Tian hesitated for a moment, then looked at the people around him and said, "Elder Martial Brother Zuo and Elder Martial Brother Nan should stay here. Yes, Xiao Tian, you should also stay here." Ye Tian's cultivation of divine consciousness should not have been passed on, but Nan Huaijin came thousands of miles away to rescue him, and for this reason alone, Ye Tian could not conceal it from him. Ok, Xiao Tian, don't be too tired! Song Weilan knew that her son had something to talk about with others, so she pulled her daughter-in-law and went to the back cabin with her husband and others. "Younger Martial Brother, I found that the energy on your body, although the quantity is not much, but the quality is extremely high, I have practiced more than 60 years of True Qi, suddenly under contact, unexpectedly collapsed into an army ah!" Seeing that there were no outsiders present, Gou Xinjia spoke out all the questions in his mind. He and Ye Tian had tried before and were familiar with his Qi, but the new energy in Ye Tian's body was something Gou Xinjia had never seen or heard of. Brother yuanyang, what are you talking about? Is on the plane before what happened, Gou Xinjia has not had time to tell others, so after hearing Gou Xinjia's words, Nanhuai Jin Zuo Jiajun and others are looking at him with a face of surprise. Huai Jin brother, I can't say clearly, you try! Gou Xinjia shook his head with a wry smile and said to Nan Huaijin, "You inject a stream of True Qi into Younger Martial Brother's body. Be careful and be ready to take it back at any time!" "Good!" Seeing that Gou Xinjia did not seem to be joking, Nan Huaijin immediately took a deep breath and put his right hand on Ye Tian's shoulder. In fact, after practicing to the realm of refining and transforming Qi, you can barely release the True Qi. When it comes to refining Qi and transforming spirit, you can subtly control the entry of True Qi into other people's bodies. This is also one of the sayings of Qi function healing. People with exquisite cultivation can indeed use True Qi to help others regulate their bodies. However, most of the people who really have this kind of kungfu are old people like Gou Xinjia and Nan Huaijin, who will not appear in some public places at all. Nowadays, those masters in the society are basically charlatans who know little about practicing Qi and then sell dog meat with a sheep's head, which is really not credible. Nan Huaijin and Ye Tian are not practicing the same method, so they are very cautious. Ye Tian's shoulder trembles, and a stream of True Qi travels down Ye Tian's shoulder meridians. The True Qi in Ye Tian's body was already empty,electronic board for classroom, and there was not a wisp left, so the True Qi of Nan Huaijin was unimpeded all the way, and soon came to Ye Tian's spine. Uh? This How is that possible? ?



Beauty Remembers by Qi He Xiang

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Cheng Anlan does not want to go back that is for sure, today's Han yuandie how well he knows, Cheng Anlan birth mother's death, the Cheng family can not get rid of the relationship, the father is gone, the Cheng family for many years only when he did not have this descendant, everything has not thought for him, and see now, a little bit of wind and grass, even this kind of thing is done, there is really no need to go back. Although today's people without a clan are like rootless duckweed, lonely and helpless, but a family like the Cheng family, only know the icing on the cake, not timely help, really have something to do, cleaner than outsiders, no clan shelter, what is the meaning? In the past, there was no chance, but now such a big opportunity is in front of us. Why did Cheng Anlan say such a thing? Cheng Anlan then said, "If you don't feel good,digital interactive whiteboard, I'm not afraid to go back." So that's it! Han yuandie suddenly realized how Cheng Anlan gave in to her in the last life. She finally understood that, in fact, it made her a little sad. This sadness made the expression on her face a little strange, and then she laughed again. "No, what are you going to do?"! Unless there is a benefit. "What are the benefits?" Cheng Anlan asked honestly. Han yuandie thought about it, she did not think of very specific benefits, but she did not want Cheng Anlan to go back like this, said to get rid of the clan,interactive whiteboard for schools, said to remember back to remember back, how can there be such a reason? Han yuandie said with a smile, "I don't know what the benefits are, but no matter what the benefits are, first of all, you should see the real ones. Don't be so empty. You should talk about what will happen in the future. You have to talk about what will happen in the future. It won't work to say that the sky is falling down.". "Second, there must be enough weight to be useful, but it can't be light." Han yuandie was really not as fastidious as she used to be. She was very honest and did not shy away from saying to Cheng Anlan: "I know your family. You think you are a family. Step back. They only think you are easy to bully and hold you. If there is such a thing in the future, they will not be afraid of losing face again. You still have to make people laugh to death?" "Is now like this, if you go back in silence, so many people in the imperial capital, I do not know how many people look at, in private do not take as a joke?"? I don't know how humiliating it is for you to go out and walk around. Even I am embarrassed to see people! Han yuandie said smoothly, completely did not expect that they are not husband and wife now. So Cheng Anlan's eyes lit up: "Well, yes!"! You're too embarrassed to tell anyone. He said, "Right, touch screen board classroom ,digital touch screen board, right, right. For you, this can't be done easily." Han yuandie seemed to have not realized what she said was wrong. She had a mentality of fearing that Cheng Anlan would suffer losses. It seemed that he was particularly stupid and did not know how to fight for himself. She also told him: "What's the matter? You send someone to tell me. Don't rush to agree.". I can't fly even if I look at Joe. "Well!" "I see," said Cheng Anlan. Han yuandie curled the corners of his mouth and said, "There's one more thing. I wanted to find Luo San, but you just came back. I told you that Miss Chang was going to open a pharmacy in the capital. She was ready to ask someone to look at a good day. It's going to open in a few days. I want to find some soldiers to come and have a look, so as to avoid some trouble. Do you think it's all right?" Chang Xiaobai was originally going to take his younger brother out of the capital, but he didn't want to meet Shen Fanfan halfway and save her. He indirectly made a contribution in front of His Highness the King of Qi, and now he has appeared in many noble women's places. It's better to see him in the imperial capital, and his younger brother has a place to study. Chang Xiaobai stayed, and now he plans to set up a pharmacy to make a living. Han yuandie was ready to support him. All right, I'll arrange a few people later. Cheng Anlan should be under, such a small matter, it does not matter to him. The two of them met again after a long separation. When they had finished all the words they had put in front of them, Cheng Anlan looked at Han yuandie and said, "Luo Wu has also returned to the capital of the emperor. The news he sent down this time almost saved my life." Han yuandie was a little unnatural. The situation was critical that day. She said what she remembered. Later, she learned that it was useful. Cheng Anlan was safe. Han yuandie was thinking about the aftermath. She just thought about it and thought about it now. She didn't think of a credible explanation. Chapter 91 This is the first crisis since the rebirth of Han yuandie, the last time she was nonsense, but this time, Han yuandie really do not know how to say. When Cheng Anlan mentioned this, Han yuandie looked away stiffly and just complained in his heart. Cheng Anlan said to her, "The governor of Jiangsu colluded with the sea bandits. I was suspicious, and someone was investigating, but before it was verified, there was an accident with His Highness the King of Qi. After Luo Wu arrived, he sneaked into the Governor's Office and sent me a message. I gave him the people outside and told him to make decisions outside for the time being and go in this direction to investigate." "This news saved my life and saved His Highness the King of Qi." Cheng Anlan said: "After finding out the clues of the governor of Jiangsu, the governor's office was willing to cooperate, comprehensively monitor and intercept any information and personnel movements related to the governor's office of Jiangsu, and finally found the place where the sea bandits hid His Highness the King of Qi and rescued Wang Ye.". And take this as an opportunity to clean up Jiangnan officialdom. Cheng Anlan said these, very calm and calm, less than 20 years old youth, already have the wind of the general. This is the side that Han yuandie had never seen in his last life, she had never asked, he had never said, and they never seemed to have any chance to say such a thing. That is the result of character, but also the chance. But at this time, Han yuandie felt quite helpless. Cheng Anlan paused for a moment and said, "Before I left Beijing, you mentioned the prefect of Chengdu. How did you know the governor of Jiangsu this time?" Han yuandie was stunned for a moment, strange Cheng Anlan after receiving her message, will arrange Luo Wu to check, originally because of the original mention of the prefect of Chengdu, and he confirmed each other. About plus the idea of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Cheng Anlan's situation at that time, really need a breakthrough, Han yuandie very timely to give him a direction, presumably he will be doubtful command from this direction to check. And then I got a trace. This, of course, also called his doubts,75 smart board, the imperial boudoir girl, about even the name of the governor of Jiangsu do not know, in the end is how to know that the governor of Jiangsu colluded with the sea bandits.



Chivalrous-Gao Yong _ txt Novel Paradise

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: My husband was too lazy to say more, so he took Hai Yunjing out of the hall. Tan Renjie and Xie steward could not stay, so they had to send them to the gate of the village, borrowed two good horses, and watched the two of them get on the horse and go around the foot of the mountain before turning back to the hall. During the banquet, most of the food and wine had not been touched. Tan Renjie filled himself with a glass of wine and breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a proud smile appeared on his face. "Steward Xie stepped forward and said in a low voice," Villa Leader, although we have cheated, we must prevent them from coming again. "No," said Tan Renjie with a smile. "The old man has already believed that the tin coat was stolen. Now he's in a hurry to find the'dragon scales'. He won't be bored again." "Dragon scales?" The steward exclaimed. Tan Renjie nodded and said, "The old man was originally a eunuch in the palace, so I deliberately revealed that the'iron coat 'and the'dragon scales' were imperial treasures. He really believed it." "Is there really a'dragon scale 'in the world?" Asked the steward. Tan Renjie laughed and said, "Who knows?"? Even I have only heard of this name, how can I know that it is not because of the'iron coat 'that a'dragon scale' has been fabricated. Then he ordered in a low voice, "You must pay more attention to the security arrangements in the village, and carefully check the firearms and ambushes everywhere.". If the old man doesn't come, there may be other enemies sneaking in to watch. The steward replied, "My subordinates will be careful. Please ask the Villa Leader to take a lot of photos.." "You don't have to worry about me," said Tan Renjie. "Anyway, I won't treat your father and daughter badly." After drinking several cups, he turned back to the study, closed the door and bolted it. The steward looked at the door, sighed lightly, and said with emotion, "a man in his early fifties is still doing this shameless thing." Alas, he shook his head and left sadly. Tan Renjie stood quietly behind the door until the steward Xie was far away, then he sneered and raised his hand to press a picture of "fishing in the cold river" on the wall. He first presses the head of the fisherman in the book, then presses the "rudder" and "rocks" in order,cherry blossom wedding centerpiece, and finally claps the longan gently. Hearing the sound of "earning", the canopy of the fishing boat in the picture suddenly opened automatically, revealing a red bead and a keyhole. The red ball was not a button, but the end of a delicate key. Tan Renjie pulled out the key and threw it into the hole, turned it gently, and the opposite bookcase slowly moved away. The secret door under the bookcase leads to a magnificent secret room in the wall. Tan Renjie entered the secret room through the secret door and said with a smile, "Xiao Bai, how can you thank me?" ??w.xi?os?uotxt.??? Chapter 41 retreat with disappointment. t.xt. Small . Say . God . Don In the room, the gauze covers the incense cage, the brocade couch is horizontal, the embroidered quilt, the Mandarin duck pillow, the four walls are inlaid with glass mirrors, and the chair cushion and mattress are embroidered with lifelike "Spring Palace Secret Opera Picture". It seems that this is a "hidden" golden house, but sleeping on the brocade couch is not a beautiful woman like a flower, fake ficus tree ,fake blossom tree, but a "powder demon" white jade fragrance. Bai Yuxiang only wears a silver shining one. Tight waistcoat "limbs are exposed outside the flower quilt, hair actually pulled a loose palace meeting, skin actually delicate like a woman, face actually has a bit of lazy" charming ". But his "affectation" was not for flattery, but for the sword wound on his left arm. I don't know if it was because of the injury and loss of blood, Bai Yuxiang's face was pale, and his grief was also withered. When he saw Tan Renjie come in, he just smiled sadly and asked listlessly, "Has the old man gone?" Tan Renjie smirked and said, "He listened to my words and was so convinced that he didn't even bother to drink, so he left in a hurry." As he spoke, he sat down close to the collapse and gently stroked Bai Yuxiang's injured arm with his hand. He asked lovingly, "Xiao Bai, is the wound better?"? Does it still hurt? Bai Yuxiang shook her head and said, "It doesn't hurt very much. It's just a little burning." Tan Renjie said with a smile, "That's because of the new medicine. Don't be impatient. You'll recover in a few days. I've asked Xie Laoer to prepare another medicine for you. It's specially for knife wounds.". ” "Renjie," said Bai Yuxiang, "you've been so good to me that I don't know how to repay you.." Tan Rujie hurriedly covered his mouth and pretended to say, " 'Don't say that again. As the saying goes, a husband and wife are blessed for a hundred years in one night.". What kind of relationship do we have to be polite? Bai Yuxiang glanced at him from the corner of her eye and suddenly chuckled. Tan Rujie was so itchy that he couldn't help himself. He sucked his mouth and kissed Bai Yuxiang on her cheek. He whispered, "Xiao Bai, I can't tell why."? When I saw you, I was a little confused. "No," said Bai Yuxiang softly! Look at your moustache. It hurts so much. Touching his graying beard, Joker said with a smile, "I'm only fifty years old, and it's not time to grow a beard. I'll shave it off later, so as not to puncture your tender eyelids." "What does a 50-year-old man look like with a shaved beard?" Asked Bai Yuxiang. Tan Renjie said, "If you're only half a year old, do you think you're old?" "Of course," chuckled Bai Yuxiang. "It doesn't matter if I'm a little older," said Tan Renjie. "I'm old and strong. '!" Old and strong. "Bah!" Said Bai Yuxiang! The more you talk, the less people talk. The teaser laughed and said, "I would like to ask the hero in the twilight, where does the gentle live? Since ancient times, heroes are not afraid of old age, but they are afraid of loneliness and no one to accompany them when they are old." Bai Yuxiang blushed and said, "I'm not a gentle man, and I can't accompany you for a lifetime." "You are not a gentle village," said Tan Renjie in a loud voice. "You are a soul-dispelling cave." "Damn it!" Bai Yuxiang shouted with a smile. With a backhand punch, he punched it. In the chamber of secrets, a string of dissolute teasing laughter was raised, and the two shameless people actually followed the example of their children and flirted with each other. After laughing for a while, Bai Yuxiang pretended to be sad and said, "Although I'm safe here, the poor'Four Concubines of the Firebird 'have been with me for many years, but they died tragically by the sword. Those men in yellow will not stop here. They will come here sooner or later." "What are you afraid of?" Said Tan Renjie. "They're lucky if they don't come. If they dare to step into the Fire King Village,large artificial blossom trees, I, Tan Renjie, won't let them turn into flying dust. I'll call them the'King of Gunpowder '." ?



Emperor Phoenix's Miraculous Doctor Abandoned Concubine a Cai 108

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: But the long princess is not very happy, Duanwang little prince in the courtyard where Feng Jin lives, as long as you go in, you can find someone. Duan Wang's men said so, absolutely on purpose, and then in the name of looking for the prince, the whole princess mansion was turned over. Bastard! A guy who eats inside and picks outside. At this moment, the long princess still can't figure out who is behind the hands and feet, then she doesn't have to mix. Sure enough, Prince Duan smiled coldly and ordered again: "Search, continue to search.." Every corner of the princess mansion is not spared. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find out the prince. Feng Qingchen knew clearly what was going on outside the Princess Mansion. He took a gentle look at the small dumplings that were gathering together with Xiao Fengjin and Snow Wolf. Feng Qingchen sat leisurely watching the play. Revealing the news to Tianyu is really the best choice, and Tianyu's work is not generally beautiful. Prince Duan smashed it in the mansion of the long princess and told outsiders that it was the long princess who did it. As for the evidence? He doesn't want to take people to prison. What evidence does he need? I hope Prince Duan's men are capable enough to find out the people who raise evil spirits. That would be even better. Across the courtyard, Feng Qingchen muttered to himself, while on the other side, Prince Duan also lived up to Feng Qingchen's expectations and carried the ghost doctor out in a corner. The ghost doctor struggled desperately, but apart from his medical skills,faux ficus tree, his other abilities were only three-legged cats. He was no match for Prince Duan. Prince Duan carried the ghost doctor like a chicken. Even such a person, you can also eat, tut tut. Xiaosan, your taste is getting stronger and stronger. In a word, Prince Duan described the ghost doctor as a gigolo raised by a long princess. No, he's.. The eldest princess was about to explain, but Prince Duan interrupted first: "You don't have to worry about the third child. The king won't say anything and lose the face of the royal family." Ignoring Princess Chang's fire-breathing eyes,artificial coconut palm trees, Prince Duan picked up the ghost doctor and threw him into the group of bodyguards behind him: "Throw him into prison, so as not to let people know that Princess Chang is a man, and raw meat is not taboo!" The long princess blushed with shame and wished she could tear Prince Duan's mouth. [] Emperor Huang's Miraculous Doctor Abandoned Concubine 1825 Prince Duan's mouth is really cheap! Words to readers: It seems that there is no guaranteed monthly ticket today. Wood thing, when you see the account has a monthly ticket, remember to vote for Ah Cai. Clench your fist, a hard-working girl like me, how can you not vote for the lottery, right, right. Since the Han Dynasty, the emperor's daughters were called princesses, sisters were called long princesses, and aunts were called big long princesses. Words to the reader: The fifth more presents.. Let's start with the fifth watch today! The sun is out and I want to go out for a walk. Update fast plain text Registered members can get a private bookshelf, artificial banyan trees ,silk olive tree, which is more convenient for reading! [59 Literature Permanent Address:] [Text 1826 Restraint, can it be saved?] After the princess mansion was smashed and all the suspicious people were carried out, Prince Duan let the long princess go and took the people to the hospital where Feng Jin was admitted. The evil spirit has finally gone. The housekeeper of the long princess's house "touched" the cold sweat on his forehead and looked at the mess of the princess's house. His head was as big as an ox. As soon as he looked up, he saw the long princess's murderous eyes. The housekeeper was in a panic. He knelt down straight and wailed: "Your Highness, what can I do.." The long princess's face was like frost. She gnashed her teeth and said, "Prepare the chariot. I want to enter the palace." "Yes, yes, the slave is going." The housekeeper rolled and crawled and ran out. The long princess turned her head, took a look at the direction where Feng Qingchen lived, and went out bitterly. Even if there is a little prince in her house, since Feng Qingchen came in, she has not been to Feng Jin's small courtyard, there is no one to tell her, she does not know! [] Emperor Huang's Miraculous Doctor Abandoned Concubine 1826 The eldest princess did not care at all. Her clothes were disheveled at this time, and she was in such a mess that she went to the palace overnight. When Prince Duan knew it, he only said, "Let her go." Just smashed a princess mansion, the emperor can not ask him to pay for his life. If you want to pay for your life, you have to pay for the lives of his son and his subordinates first. This prince is really not simple. "The first time Feng Qingchen got the movement of the princess mansion, he praised it, and Prince Duan and his party broke into the house." Give me my son. The sound comes before the person arrives. It was a pity that the people in the room didn't take him seriously. Prince Duan frowned and was about to let someone rush in when Chunhui opened the door and came out: "The maidservant pays her respects to Wang Ye. My girl asked the maidservant to tell Wang Ye and ask Wang Ye to be gentle. It's not good to frighten the little childe." Xiaotuanzi's illness, Feng Qingchen let the left bank through "dew" to Xiling Tianyu know, and let him say more serious, Prince Duan came in a hurry, must be aware of it. Sure enough, as soon as Chunhui's words came out, Prince Duan ordered people to retreat. His tough and arrogant attitude was replaced by self-reproach and guilt: "My son, is he all right?" Prince Duan asked carefully for fear of hearing bad news. An iron-blooded battlefield, killing thousands of people without blinking, is just an ordinary father at this time, a father who worries about his son, a father who blames himself for not protecting his son. Not very good. Unable to glare at such a father, Chunhui sighed softly and said persuasively, "If you want to see the young prince, you'd better restrain your momentum. The young prince is afraid of men approaching him and doesn't like people to touch him." "Good." Prince Duan threw the knife out of his hand and said, "Catch it." Pow. The lieutenant outside the courtyard steadily caught Prince Duan's sword, followed by armor. Prince Duan took care of the armor with his own hands every day and maintained it carefully. He stripped it off with two or three strokes and threw it to the guards in the outer courtyard. Before going in, Prince Duan took a deep breath and tried to pull out a smile, hoping to soften his cold and hard five views and weaken his murderous look, but. Chun Hui would like to say: Wang Ye,decorative palm trees, you'd better not laugh at the latest chapter of the Wolf Tooth! Prince Duan pushed the door and entered. Although his face was not obvious, he was extremely nervous. He was afraid to see his son's angry eyes, and even more afraid that his son would look at him with fear and indifference.



Back to Primitive Society as a Chief

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Zhi shook his head: "I do not know, in the construction of these checkpoints, I let everyone in the wood stuffed with a lot of hay.". In order to be able to withstand the impact of the trebuchet. But we've never tried it with a trebuchet since we built it, so I'm not sure. With a hum, Chuan opened his mouth as if he had something to say. Zhi saw it and asked what was wrong. "What if," said Chuan, "our Erdaoguan can't stop Ji Thief's trebuchet?" When the words fell, Azhi was silent. For half a day, Zhifang slowly raised his head: "If we can't carry it, it proves that we really can't beat the thief. When the time comes, we can only give up the Qingfeng Mountains and move on!" Chuan: ".." While Azhi and Chuan were discussing here, in the camp, the patriarch and the person in charge also gathered together beside the Ji thief to come up with ideas. Warrior (patriarch), I say, let's use the trebuchet tomorrow, let Azhi have a good taste of being hit by the trebuchet! "Yes, these guys think they can stop us by learning from us to build a checkpoint at the intersection?"? Bah, how is it possible to use a trebuchet to let these guys know that our coalition is invincible! In the tent, there are all kinds of things to say. Holding a branch in his hand, the thief looked at the sand table in front of him and lowered his head in silence. The crowd said that Ji thief did not answer, simply to shut his mouth, waiting for Ji thief's instructions. Half a day, Ji thief just slowly looked up: "trebuchet, still can't use." Everybody is stupefied: "Why warrior (patriarch adult)?"? As long as we use the trebuchet,artificial plant wall panels, the victory will belong to us. Thief Ji tilted his head and said, "It's very simple. The trebuchet is the card I intend to use to make the final decision. If I take it out, it will prove that we can defeat the enemy in the first World War. That is to say, I will use it only when it comes to the decisive battle.". Now we use it early, the enemy has suffered, but we have not been able to solve the combat strength, then, the next time we use it, the damage and psychological pressure caused by the trebuchet will be much smaller,silk cherry blossom tree, do you understand? The crowd fell silent. But warriors, if we don't need a trebuchet to destroy it, it's too difficult for us to break through the wall. Why don't you take it out and try it? What if it works? Animal blood way. "There is still the possibility of failure," said Ji. "So it's not time to use the trebuchet yet." Beast Blood: ".." "That's true, Patriarch, but now the question is how can we break through the wall?" Thief Ji rubbed the green stubble sticking out of his chin and said, "Well, the mountain people have their own tricks." 1288-It's animal blood. The eye is looking at Ji thief word to fall, everybody all is a pair of at a loss muddleheaded expression: "?? What people? Ji thief coughed: "Cough, nothing, that what, tomorrow when everyone starts again, let everyone all bring a bag of soil." "Why do you bring soil?" "Don't ask, it's useful to ask." Ji thief a pair of bad smile expression, the crowd looked, all could not help but er. A night without words, Faux cherry blossom tree ,artificial grass panels, the next day, according to Ji thief said, everyone prepared a bag of soil. When he was about to attack, Ji Thief rode on the back of the blade-toothed tiger and pointed his flag gun at the second pass in front of him: "Everyone, attack!"! Besides, don't forget to throw the earth in your hands in front of Erdaoguan! Everyone was confused, but they did it anyway. Only to see, many clansmen are holding rattan cards to rush forward, to the front also do not build a ladder, directly throw the earth in their hands under the wooden wall. The person in front threw it and immediately withdrew, and then the person behind rushed up and repeated the same action. At the beginning, Azhi would ask the clansmen to suppress it with a spear thrower, but when he found that all the spears thrown out were blocked by rattan cards, he stopped the clansmen's waste of precious spear throwing, and turned to a group of people on the bridge to see what the thief was going to do. Soon, Azhi understood what Ji Thief was thinking. When a three-meter-wide slope rose from the ground and went straight across the bridge, Azhi's face changed. Under the attack of Ah Hu, Ah Zhi, and Ah Cai, three hundred elite clansmen, holding rattan cards, went to the bridge and fought with the Qingfeng clansmen on the bridge. A Zhi that is called a regret, ah, if I had known that Ji thief used this method to eliminate his geographical advantage, what to say, he would also take people to rush a wave, will not let Ji thief so simply as he wished. However, let a Zhi regret the green field, it is too late now. Ji thief pile of earth, is already the exit of the wooden door of Erdaoguan to pile up. Left to him now, can only be with Ji thief led by the reinforcements to fight hard! The two sides fought for a while, and the superior individual combat capability of the allied forces made Azhi suffer a lot. From morning till night, the bridge changed hands several times, several times Ji thief can go all out to let the clansmen take the bridge, but I don't know why, Ji thief is not willing to order the extra troops. As dusk fell in the evening, the clansmen who had withdrawn from the cross-bridge were one by one emitting a chill. Looking at all this, Ji nodded with satisfaction and said, "It seems that Azhi is quite able to resist. Not bad. Everyone did well today and will continue tomorrow!" As a result, Ji thief retreat back to camp. That night, while Ji and the thieves were asleep, Azhi and his men quietly jumped out and cleaned up all the earth slopes that had been piled up. They were so tired. As a result, when he woke up the next day, the thief Ji asked the clansmen to come again with earth bags. Zhi almost lost his breath and crooked his nose. To this, Ji Thief laughed cheerfully and said, "There is a lot of earth outside these two passes. I don't believe you can clear it every time. If not, I'll go back and dig the earth for you in the Baigu Mountains." Azhi almost vomited blood, and three days later, he could not hold on any longer and retreated to the even higher three passes. Ji thief easily captured the second pass, after the statistics of battle damage, in addition to the first day of Xiang and a Hu test out a Zhi spear loss is a little big, the next few days, is a Zhi has a spear to help fight,silk ficus tree, everyone's loss is minimal, basically, small to the point that can be ignored.



Other World Players _ 20200215155410.

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: At this moment hit out of the five times angry thunder disease, comparable to the strangling strength of a tornado storm, which shows the power of this blow. Originally triumphant sudden face s sè great change, never thought Yang Haoxuan actually dare to close to his body, and actually ignore his poisonous fog defense, let him more afraid, is Yang Haoxuan at the moment in the hands of the thunder wing lightning knife. He felt that if he was hit by a knife, he might be doomed! However, the previous arrogance, let Yang Haoxuan break through his defense, into his physical range of one meter, for Yang Haoxuan with immortal body, close combat is simply the greatest gift to him. Naturally, Yang Haoxuan could not let him escape, thunder wing thunder and lightning knife immediately fell, horizontal split in the twisted head of Tuqi. Five times the blow, the killing power produced directly caused Tuqi to suffer severe damage, although the head did not immediately break, but the body is quickly falling toward the rabbit door melting spring below. This time, the fierce beast was temporarily dizzy. All over the world! "Four Spirits!" Wuzun Star Lord and the four spirit beasts were all excited, and the magic in their hands immediately went out and hit Tuqi, and immediately they had a feeling of carefree dripping. How many years? How many years! ! They stayed here every night to restrain Tuqi, almost physically and mentally exhausted, but it was their responsibility, and they even planned to restrain here permanently. But did not expect, Yang Haoxuan's arrival, immediately broke the checks and balances, so that they have the opportunity to kill this head Tuqi. As soon as Tuqi dies, they will be free. They don't have to be on tenterhooks every day to prevent Tuqi from making a surprise attack. They can leave this place and then step into the world of spiritual practice. They can roam freely! And for Wuzun Star Lord, the significance is even greater, 71 relatives and friends all died in the hands of Tuqi,fake ficus tree, he is also hate ah. At this moment, "All over the world" that kind of power to reverse the universe, hit Tuqi body above, immediately produced a breath of earth s s è, Tuqi's body, is a shock. The four spirit beasts even joined forces, and a door array enveloped Tuqi's body, like a whip corpse, which made Tuqi's body twitch even more, and the armor on his body was completely broken. They shot, Yang Haoxuan face s sè strange, thought you this is not rob strange? Brother Tuqi,outdoor palm trees, don't die. If you want to die, you will die in the Ghost Gate Melting Spring. Otherwise, you have so much experience. Isn't it a waste? If you get the experience of Tuqi, Yang Haoxuan can step directly into the immortal, and sit on an equal footing with Wuzun Star Lord and the Yunxia immortal he has seen before. And Tuqi died, definitely can go out, at that time, is to appear in the eyes of the world with a tough posture, the heart is the idea, after going out, first destroy the way of heaven, then Tu Ciyun, start a sect, only I am king! Suddenly, when Yang Haoxuan reverie, Tuqi's body after three heavy blows, finally fell in the rabbit door melting spring, the body soon went silent, as if dead in general. However, Yang Haoxuan's mind is not a trace of experience, which makes him extremely. Bowl. Borrow, faux grass wall ,large palm trees for sale, "Shit, they really killed, experience." Experience! Out of the strange hole, I upgrade the realm, but extremely difficult, the game level was stuck at level 59, but also, the realm of martial arts and The game level does not have much relevance, the realm from the eighth rank of Emperor Wu to the immortal, the level to five + nine, according to reason, still earned! Whoo, whoo! Tuqi fell into the molten spring of the Rabbit Gate, and Wuzun Star Lord's face was full of joy. The fierce beast finally died. The four spirit beasts are also excited. Yang Haoxuan did not immediately remove the molten spring of the Rabbit Gate, but instead flew toward the Lord of Wuzun and wanted the eyes of the Promise Palace. At the beginning, Yang Haoxuan discussed with him that if Tuqi was killed by him, the eye of the Promise Palace would be given to him, but the heart of defending people is indispensable, and the Lord of Wuzun Star can now return to the world. It is hard to guarantee that he will not be reluctant to give up the Promise Palace. If so, Yang Haoxuan will start to rob! Who knows, suddenly came a call in the rabbit door melting spring, is a dog barking, but compared to the real dog barking, this dog barking is simply terrible. Subsequently, Yang Haoxuan. Cool fear of the discovery of Tuqi before the recovery of the image of wings, adult noon size of the body from the rabbit door melting spring climbed out, the appearance of extremely awkward, Yi was badly injured. And fierce xxìng revealed, only to see Tuqi come out, with lightning speed rushed to the star Lord, "I can't live, you all want to die, ha ha ha!" When the arrogant words fell, he saw Tuqi rushing to the front of the Lord of Wuzun, as if he was ready to perish together. No Zun star Lord died, seal demon hole is no longer exist, Yang Haoxuan they all want to die! Yang Haoxuan did not want all his efforts to disappear, like floating clouds, disappeared in a day, rushed to the past ready to rescue. But still a step too late, Tuqi body suddenly split, body 1 Tuqi surrounded, and then flesh and blood expansion, and finally happened Yang Haoxuan expected things. Bang, with a loud noise, Tuqi exploded his body and pulled the back of Wuzun Star Lord! Wait for Yang Haoxuan to react to come over, he is to see just that piece of explosion space, unexpectedly exploded a black hole, there are many light scattered in it. Yang Haoxuan knew that these rays of light, are not respected star Lord, at the moment unexpectedly by Tuqi explosion into such a look! Suddenly, as soon as Wuzun Star Lord died, the Demon Cave, like him, began to collapse, the altar shook, the canyon began to split, and the mountain wall began to collapse! Immediately more exaggerated, after the canyon split, a piece of land, actually down, and below, it is a dark star universe! ! Immediately, the cave was in a vacuum, and the aura and air were all absorbed. The four spirit beasts were all frightened. Yang Haoxuan asked them what to do, but they all said: "There is no way. The Demon Cave coexists with the Star Lord, so Tuqi has been afraid to kill the Star Lord. Now.." … Unless he comes back to life! Come back to life? All right, bring him back to life. Yang Haoxuan one Leng,outdoor ficus tree, suddenly ecstatic again and again, immediately, directed at those light points to perform a magic "dance of the earth"! Have the dance of the earth back from the dead. ??




Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: "Nuannuan." "Hmm?" "Let's examine the conversation from the objective standpoint of a third party. Let's not get personal first." "Good." Nuannuan nodded and smiled. Young men and women walking by the Weiming Lake.. I paused, swallowed, and then said, "How would a woman react if a man said those strange things?" It may be sweet, or it may be cloying. Maybe some people will feel sick. Nuannuan said. "Suppose, just suppose, you are the girl of the young men and women walking by the Weiming Lake. How do you feel when you hear those strange words?" "That depends on who said it." "Hypothetically, hypothetically, that man is me." "Um.." Nuan Wen hesitated for a moment. "My ears are soft, so I should be able to hear it." "Really?" "After all, you can't spit ivory out of your mouth. It's hard to say anything good, so of course you have to listen." "That's good." "I mean, suppose I was that girl." "But you also assumed I was the boy." "I.." Nuannuan seems to stammer. "Nuannuan." I said, "Let's change the subject." "Yes." The warm expression seemed to be a sigh of relief. Cixi is really well-intentioned. I say. "Hmm?" How could there be such a beautiful Summer Palace if Cixi hadn't misappropriated the funds of the navy? "Say what?" Nuan Nuan said, "Don't you know that this led to the defeat of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895?" "If Cixi had not appropriated the navy's funds,large ficus tree, she would have sponsored private jewelry for the navy, such as underwear with luminous pearls and underpants with diamonds." I said, "Will the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 be won?" "This.." It is better to use the money to build the Summer Palace than to let the Japanese destroy it. Empress Dowager Cixi knew that in addition to hard work, Chinese people also needed some places of interest to adjust their body and mind, so she would rather be reviled by the world than leave the Summer Palace for future generations. So Cixi was really well-intentioned. "Nonsense." Nuannuan glared at me. "Let's change the subject." I say. Yes. But don't say that bananas turn into eggplants when they fall down, or that green beans turn into red beans when they fall downstairs. "Good." I nodded. "Yes,artificial cherry blossom trees for weddings, I was wrong just now. Cixi should have worn a bellyband, so what she donated was a bellyband made of various precious stones inlaid with the nine characters of" the Chinese woman with the best figure "." "Change the subject!" Cixi is really well-intentioned. I say. "Hello." Before dying, Cixi did not forget to give Guangxu poison to eat, so that he would die first. "What kind of good intentions is that?" Cixi knew that Guangxu was filial. If she died first, Guangxu would be devastated. So he would rather endure the pain of sending a white-haired man to a black-haired man than suffer the grief of losing his mother. "Guangxu was not Cixi's own son. Guangxu's mother was Cixi's sister." But they are nominally mother and son, and they are also related by blood. I said, 'In short, Cixi's hand was trembling as she delivered the poison. So Cixi was really well-intentioned. "According to this, when the Eight-Power Allied Forces were at the gates of Beijing, Cixi sent someone to push Concubine Zhen into a well before she ran away. This was also well-intentioned." Nuannuan said. Concubine Zhen has been in the cold palace for a long time, silk ficus tree ,outdoor ficus tree, and her body must be frozen. Cixi had to flee from Beijing to Xi'an. It was such a long journey. Could Concubine Zhen stand it? In order to prevent Concubine Zhen from enduring the pain of the long journey, Cixi had to ask the eunuch to push her into the well. When Cixi gave the order, her voice was choked with sobs. "Change the subject again." Nuan Nuan said, "And it can't be related to Cixi." "Then there is no topic." I said, "But I didn't finish my original topic." "The original topic?" Nuan Nuan was a little confused. "I forgot for a moment. What is that?" Kunming Lake is really beautiful. But when I walk with you, I feel that Kunming Lake is on a par with you, and Nuannuan is on a par with Kunming Lake. When I finished in one breath, I quickly added, "Please forgive me if I have offended you.". Just think I'm talking nonsense. "Okay, I'll make an exception." Nuan Nuan laughed and said, "I heard two strange words in one day." We arrived at Shuimu Ziqin Wharf, where the imperial boat was moored when Cixi took the waterway from the capital to the Summer Palace. To the north is the Hall of Happiness and Longevity, where Cixi lived, and where she spent most of her later years. In the Hall of Happiness and Longevity, there is also a picture of Zhang Cixi dressed up as Guanyin, which looks and feels strange. Can you imagine a wolf dog and a beautiful woman together? Cixi is really well-intentioned. I say. "There you go again." Nuannuan said. Cixi's purpose in dressing up as Guanyin was to remind people that there are many wolves in sheep's clothing in the world, and never be deceived by people's appearance. I said, "So Cixi is really well-intentioned." "How long is Cixi going to be well-intentioned?" "That's it." I say. From the Hall of Happiness and Longevity to the west, through the Inviting Moon Gate, is the world-famous Long Corridor of the Summer Palace. The promenade is a typical Chinese-style building, which serves as a corridor with a roof and no walls connecting the houses, so walking in the promenade can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also avoid the sun and rain. To the south of Kunming Lake and to the north of Longevity Hill, the Long Corridor of the Summer Palace starts from the Moon Invitation Gate in the east and ends at the Shizhang Pavilion in the west, with a total length of 728 meters and a total of 273 rooms separated by four pillars. The upper half of each column is equipped with crossbars, while the lower half is equipped with wooden seat railings. All the beams in the corridor are covered with brightly colored paintings, totaling more than 14,000, none of which are the same. These paintings are Soviet-style paintings, which can be roughly divided into four categories: figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, and architectural landscapes. The gallery is also known as the longest gallery in the world for its unique architecture and rich paintings. Walking in the corridor is like entering a unique and elegant painting gallery; everyone seems to be transformed into a fish, swimming in the painting realm. The colorful paintings in the corridor and the landscape, flowers and trees,faux ficus tree, pavilions and pavilions outside the corridor are interesting and dazzling. If you are tired of walking, you can sit on the wooden benches on both sides at any time. It is also leisurely to sit and enjoy the paintings. "Senior." The junior ran over and said, "Look up at the paintings as you walk. Look carefully at each one to see if you can walk a few steps without getting dizzy." "How old are you? You still play these children's games." There was disdain in my voice. "Try it." Nuannuan said.

