

Xiu Shen Yi Shi Lu

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Yu Xing was surprised to see me holding this sword for the first time Nothing Come on! If you don't attack I attacked Then he moved to his side in an instant followed by a blow But after all they are not ordinary people who block my attack with a sword I immediately withdrew my sword and jumped away and then attacked again After I attacked several times I found that no matter how I attacked and from where I attacked he could catch it easily And he didn't attack me at all I was attacking him before Why didn't he attack Is it for me No way Let me be so powerful if I play seriously I will not lose All right the warm-up is done Now for the real fight Take it! Then he disappeared in front of my eyes And I didn't even see how he was moving I quickly added a magic shield to myself Suddenly I felt something flying behind me I turned around and stood the sword in front of me But what I blocked was the sword gas left by the enemy And then there was something behind it I turned sideways and jumped back to avoid the attack Ah! Dragon are you all right! Don't pull me I want to see the wound of the dragon! Narcissus saw me bleeding from my waist and ran over screaming Fortunately Yu Xing immediately pulled her back You can't go Brother Long he will be all right You have to believe Brother Long! Said Yu Xing pulling the narcissus After listening to his words Narcissus also calmed Textiles & Leather Products down and she prayed in her heart that I would be safe I covered the wound on my waist with one hand and held a sword in the other hand looking around for the enemy's footprints I didn't even see how he cut me in the attack If I hadn't gotten the magic shield I'd be dead right now Shit I'm really going to lose in this way! No I can't lose I quickly used a split technique Although this can disturb the enemy's line of sight but my doppelganger is the real body! If the other side knows they can attack either one I don't know where you are but I'm gonna find you right now Nine-headed Thunder Dragon Array! Ten of me used a nine-headed thunder dragon array together and ten of me formed a circle Now open a crack in the ground Out of the rift came eight dragons of thunder and lightning Then ten more brontosaurs appeared at my feet to protect me inside Now I'm safe so to speak Ninety dragons are circling in the sky looking for their targets Then the enemy suddenly appeared behind one of my doppelgangers and stabbed me in the abdomen By this time all ninety brontosaurs had hit the enemy The explosion shook the whole place a few times The dust after the explosion covered me and the tank Everyone was nervous to see the result but Narcissus was very worried Because she saw me being stabbed with a sword After a while the dust dissipated and appeared in front of everyone There's nothing wrong with the tank I on the other hand was half kneeling on the ground covering the wound in my abdomen Dragon don't have anything to do! Cried the narcissus And Aili and Xuan Xiang rushed to help me with the treatment China Suppliers But I stopped it I put a healing spell on myself Although the wound is healed it is still very painful Depend on after all is creation divine sword unexpectedly ignored my defense to stab directly in Awesome And the "tank" is no better I thought I found the real body and hurt me He thinks that as long as I'm hurt I don't have time to control magic But he doesn't know that ten of me are real so one injury doesn't make the magic go away Do you still want to fight You shouldn't have much power now I propped myself up with my sword and said Tank smiled and said "Oh I haven't been happy for a long time" Of course I'm going to play again Then it disappeared in front of my eyes But this time I was able to capture his movements The tactics just worked I also disappeared in front of everyone No one saw us at all only heard the sound of our two swords crossing Suddenly we appeared in front of everyone at the same time but the difference was that I had a sword in my hand And the opponent is empty-handed I lost You're really good The magic just now made my physical strength drop Or I won't lose Tan Ke said happily And I threw the sword into his hand [Text Text Chapter 82 The Institute was attacked] Narcissus saw that I was all right and immediately ran over Www01xscom of the first novel without saying anything he threw Electrical Equipment & Supplies himself into my arms and cried I just cried but Narcissus also slapped me with her hands Pity my wound just hasn't recovered yet It really hurts to be patted by her like this Ally saw me frowning and kindly pulled the daffodils away to heal me Stabbed by the sword of creation magic is useless But I wonder why you can heal the wound Is it supposed to be impossible Ally touched the healing place in disbelief Shit what are you doing I'm fine Okay But now we have lost Can we see the words left by the dragon I removed Ally's hand from my wound and said to the elder The dragon people woke up from the shock as soon as I said it The elder nodded and said "Yes no problem" But I think you will be very disappointed when you see it All right come with me! But you can come too! As soon as he heard that he could enter the Holy Land he was so happy that he forgot his injury He put away his sword and followed And I followed with pain and Yu Xing followed with them In particular Professor yuan took the lead and ran ahead of me We went all the way through the village and came to a cave under the cliff Inside the cave it was not dark at all surrounded by luminous pearls hanging on it It took about ten minutes to walk to a stone gate The elder pressed the door of the machine and opened it The door opened and a small room appeared in front of us There is a magic array in the middle of the room This is where the dragon eggs and messages are placed The dragon egg in the magic array has been stolen The elder pointed to the center of the magic array and said angrily I think this is a magic array for hatching dragon eggs right Maybe! What about the message from Elder Shenlong I think the dragon egg can be taken away but the message should not be taken away



Blood Sword Madman-Chen Qingyun _ txt Novel Paradise

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Master Guangyuan returned the courtesy and said with a wry smile "I'm ashamed to say that The man's martial arts are unfathomable I saw the red shadow disappear in a flash" Before he had finished speaking he heard a sullen sneer in the main hall "I've been waiting here for a long time Why don't you come to receive the guests" Master Guangyuan felt a shock in his heart spun his body and swept into the hall like lightning As soon as I gazed I saw a man in red sitting on the altar facing the Buddha statue so that people could not recognize his face At this time Huichao Hongyuan Cikong and the distinguished guests of the Shaolin Temple such as Chui Yunsou Xuanjizi and Master Baihui were also swept into the temple and six people were divided into about one point forming a situation of encirclement Master Guangyuan announced the name of the Buddha and said "Almsgiver is he the strange man in red shirt who shook Jianghu" As soon as this remark was made the situation suddenly became tense and all the people present had their heads bumped and their faces changed color! In particular Chui Yun Sou Xuan Jizi and Master Baihui who had already experienced the power of the red-shirted strange guest almost jumped out of their mouths with a restless beating heart! At this moment there was a silence in the hall and the air became more and more solemn tense and gloomy As long as the man in red Apparel spins I'm afraid someone will spatter blood on the spot As a result everyone worked with their hands and was silent Weird! The man in red is really a little strange! He seemed to be unaware of the arrival of the crowd and did not seem to hear Master Guangyuan's question He was still sitting on the altar motionless! It is not a good sign that the man in red is silent! As a result the atmosphere was horrible Even though all the people present were top masters in the martial arts world they could not help but feel a little frightened! As soon as Master Guangyuan collected his mind he said in a loud voice "Almsgiver since you have appeared in my hall why should you be mystifying" Suddenly the man in red shook his right shoulder and gave a long mournful laugh! The laughter was harsh and alarming like an owl's cry which made people's hair stand on end! Chasing Yunsou and Master Baihui when they saw him swinging to the right they thought he was going to make a move and retreated a few feet! Master Hongyuan was so angry that he snapped "Almsgiver if you ignore me again don't blame the poor monk for being heartless!" But the man in red still seemed to turn a deaf ear and sit still! This is really beyond the expectation of Master Hongyuan! Even Master Guangyuan who was deeply cultivated was shocked! There was a question mark in the minds of Chui Yun Sou and Xuan Jizi at the same time The strange man in red they had seen before was a little different from the man in red sitting on the altar now! Because In the past in addition to the blood-red gown even the hair and face of the red-shirted strange guest were all blood-red But now the man in red has a bald head China Suppliers At the moment of suspicion in their hearts Suddenly I heard a sharp shout from Master Hongyuan and he went away with a slap! The applause like a huge wave emptying went straight to the man in red sitting on the altar! As soon as his palm came out he suddenly saw the left hand of the man in red swinging slowly Master Hongyuan suddenly felt a shock in his heart and Huodi withdrew his palm It turned out that he had heard the old man chasing the cloud and Master Baihui say that the strange man in red shirt was so powerful that he could kill him by raising his hands and throwing his feet At the moment the man in red was so strange that he was afraid that the other party would suddenly kill him so he quickly took back his palm His unusual action suddenly startled the hall! As soon as Master Guangyuan gathered his mind he recited the holy names of the Buddha and said in a loud voice "Almsgiver since you don't want to meet Lao Xiu please forgive me for being rude" Said suddenly into a few feet! The man in red still sat up and did not even move This scene Guangyuan master can no longer tolerate sneer the body suddenly slipped behind the man in red right hand disease such as lightning put on the other side of the waist between the'gate of life 'point When they saw Master Guangyuan making a move they were all emboldened and moved forward! Master Guangyuan gave a sneer and said "Almsgiver if you don't speak again don't blame my men for being heartless!" Said the right hand above has been through the true strength As long as his internal force flicks the man in red will be destroyed in the palm of his hand But he didn't do that! Because He's got the other's life in his hands and He was thinking "What kind of person is this strange man in red shirt who shakes Jianghu" So he sneered and looked sideways! It's okay if you don't look at it but Master Guangyuan was taken aback and retreated several feet! It turned out that the man in red sitting on the altar was yuan Chao a disciple of Master Guangyuan! By this time Hui Chao had discovered that Textiles & Leather Products the man in red was his younger brother yuan Chao and he could not help calling out "Younger Martial Brother!" Shake your body and leap over! He wanted to blame the Younger Martial Brother for a few words but suddenly he found that his eyes were closed and his face was livid He was taken aback and swallowed the words that had come to his mouth! This sudden change the people present all stunned! But everyone knew in their hearts that Monk yuan Chao had been given a heavy acupuncture point Master Guangyuan did not think that the man in red was his beloved disciple so he felt resentful and ashamed You should know that the leader of the Shaolin Sect Zhongyuan Wulin has never encountered such a thing! Now you are frightened to be teased without seeing the face of others If it spreads all over Wulin what face does the Shaolin Sect have to base itself on Jianghu! As soon as Master Guangyuan thought of this he could not help sighing and said "This is a big fall" As soon as the voice fell suddenly a burst of frightening laughter came from the air The laughter was unusually low first dozens of feet away suddenly has reached the temple A few people in the hall felt that the sudden laughter was as cold as ice and they were frightened They quickly gathered their minds and thought to themselves "Could it be that this strange laughter came from the mouth of a strange man in a red shirt" Between the turning of the mind all the people almost at the same time turned to scan the outside of the hall At this time Master Guangyuan had already turned his frightened heart into a stream of anger Lang Lang announced the name of the Buddha and suddenly swept into the courtyard Look sideways! I saw the eighteen disciples who had just besieged the poisonous demon fox and the beautiful scholar standing on the ground one by one looking as if they had been hit by a heavy hole! This way! Suddenly the Shaolin Headmaster's killing machine suddenly rose and he blurted out a long roar! At this moment



If Time Has an Ageless Face by Mu Qingyu

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: "Ya Yan has been sensible since she was a child. If you don't recruit her, can she punish you?" "I really don't, I just." Hesitated, he Yicheng very frankly explained the situation that night, when he said that he did not know how many times he fell asleep on the sofa, he Hongxun smiled gracelessly. He Yicheng tutted and threw the cigarette case on the table: "Can you be serious?"? Let's get down to business! He Hongxun laughed loudly. When he had laughed enough, he taught him, "Haven't you ever seen a pig run without eating pork?"? Do you have a date like this? I said, what on earth do you think? Do you regard Ya Yan as a canteen or a hotel? It's polite to show you the door! "How do you make an appointment?"? Do you have to go shopping and watch movies? How nice it is to stay at home! Besides, I was busy with the exercises at the end of the year some time ago, and I wanted to break myself into several. In a few words, He Hongxun knew where the crux was. He didn't talk nonsense. He taught him like a big brother: "Remember, no matter how mature and sensible Ya Yan is, he is the same as Mu Ke. He wants to be loved and spoiled. Don't think that Mu Ke is like a child who wants to be coaxed. You should put Ya Yan, who is only a few years older than her, in the position of an elder. If you like her, you have to let her know and feel it." He Yicheng listened to scratch his head, and finally summed up the sentence: "Women are trouble." "Don't people who dare to challenge the division commander in military affairs understand that loving their wives is also an important lesson for soldiers?" Looking at the time, He Hongxun bent his lips and smiled: "I'll give you a good lesson another day. Now I have to pick up Mu Ke. I'm late and I'm not allowed to enter the door. I'm used to it." He Yicheng was so angry that he laughed. He raised his foot to kick, but He Hongxun dodged it lightly. Before he left, he said, "Don't say I didn't remind you. My sister is a good thief. You should keep an eye on her." Watch closely?! What do you think? The technical content of this work is greater than that of military training. He Yicheng secretly said that he had dialed He Yayan's phone, and the color ring back tone was completely sung, but no one answered, and it was the same again. Finally, unable to sit still, he Yicheng took the car keys and walked out. When he slammed the door, he said in a domineering manner, "Who dares to cut off Hu? I'll sweep him!" Step on the accelerator to the end, he Yicheng flying to the army hospital, far to see he Yayan and a man standing on the roadside talking, the car has not stopped, people have jumped down in a hurry. The fire was already in his throat, but suddenly the man rubbed He Yayan's hair in an unusually intimate way. His anger could no longer be suppressed. His eyes were as dark as a dark night, and he did not care about his military uniform. He said coldly, "Take your hand away!" Voice has been shot, inflatable water slide , accompanied by a suffocating sound of collision, a heavy punch hit Shao Yuhan in the face. Shao Yuhan was not completely defenseless. His natural quick reaction made him throw a fierce punch in an instant. However, his fist stopped abruptly one centimeter away from the side face of He Yicheng. He slightly pursed his lower lip. He warned in a deep voice: "For the sake of Ya Yan's face, I don't care this time. Next time we meet, you'd better be polite to me, He Yicheng!" And call him by his first name? He Yicheng still wanted to come forward, but was stopped by He Yayan who came to her senses. She shouted, "What are you doing?"? He's my cousin! He Yicheng was stunned, looking at the gentle and handsome vice president, and did not come to his senses for a long time. It was Shao Yuhan who smiled sarcastically and patted him on the shoulder slowly: "Young people should not be too impulsive!" He Yicheng was so embarrassed that he watched his cousin drive away. He turned around and found that He Yayan had already stepped on his high-heeled shoes. He hurried to catch up with him and carried him to his military vehicle. He Yayan was "kidnapped" to him in the name of hugging, and he Yicheng kissed his girlfriend on the door when he entered the door. He Ya's anger has not yet disappeared, clenched his teeth and refused to submit. He Yicheng pressed her into his arms with a slight effort and kissed her cheek, neck and collarbone like a lingering emotion. His peculiar masculine breath surrounded her nose and swept her consciousness. He Yayan's resistance gradually diminished, and her mind became confused. When he Yicheng's lips slowly moved up and covered her lips again, she leaned weakly in his arms, closed her eyes, and accepted his kiss from gentle to intense.. After a kiss, He Yayan fell on the chest of He Yicheng and breathed lightly. "Don't go tonight," he demanded hoarsely, stroking her soft, naked back. He Yayan's face suddenly burned up, and he refused with insufficient confidence: "I haven't forgiven you yet." He Yicheng laughed in a low voice. "If you don't approve me not to sleep in the future, can't you?" He Yayan punched him and said angrily, "After so many days of introspection, did you realize this mistake?" "You didn't give me a hint. Without saying a word, you threw me out of the door and said that I didn't care about you. It was too unfair." Loosening his arms, he Yicheng freed his right hand to touch her face: "I care, Ya Yan, I really like you, even if I did not say that I like you, or can I see my cousin move on the impulse?" He Yayan curled his lips and said, "You have the nerve to say that you beat people indiscriminately without asking, hooligan!" He Yicheng retorted: "That's also your provocation!"! He also said that we should take a break for a while to calm down. Calm down. What? I don't need to calm down! He Yayan complained: "Anyway, I just don't feel that you care about me. Every time we meet, we fall asleep without saying a few words. We don't miss me at all." I want to, I really want to! It's just that I was too tight during the day some time ago. When I came to you, I relaxed. It was like going home and falling asleep unconsciously. He Yicheng smiled ruffianly and said, "Didn't you find that I was holding your waist when I was asleep? Don't you want to hold it so tightly?" He Yayan hit him, "Why didn't I notice that you hugged me so tightly? I slept like a pig and couldn't even wake up." He Yicheng laughed and picked her up at the waist and walked to the bedroom. "I'll let you know if you're holding her tight tonight!" He Yayan blushed and nervously grabbed the uniform of He Yicheng and refused to let go. He was already pressed on the bed. When his tongue reached into her mouth and kissed her on her lips and teeth,Jumping castle with slide, she was finally defeated. Unconsciously, she stretched out her arms and hugged him tightly, murmuring: "Yicheng.." ?



The reborn daughter-in-law dressed as a mother-in-law

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Zhao Qingru frowned slightly, and when she overlapped the face that looked at least a teenager in front of her with the face of Song Dapeng and Song Xuechang, she was immediately happy. Yo, if it isn't senior Song. I haven't seen you for years. The senior is still like this. Song Dapeng, who suffered a great loss in Zhao Qingru's hands many years ago, is now wearing a 70% new navy blue Chinese tunic suit and a hat. The color.. Royal blue and yellow, very healthy colors. It's interesting. Interesting P! Because of the angle, Song Dapeng, well, Song Dapeng, who has now changed his name to Song Zhanpeng, failed to see Zhao Qingru clearly at the first time, so that the "old problem" was committed again. That year, one accidentally fell into the hands of Zhao Qingru, Song Zhanpeng classmate, but tightened his belt, eating only two steamed buns a day, can be counted before graduation to pay off most of the famine. Of course, the biggest three, that is, Zhao Qingru, Qian Yinan and Tao Yiran, have not yet been paid off. Even so, Song Zhanpeng, who did not have much meat, succeeded in "slimming" again,Inflatable meltdown, and turned pale when talking about steamed bread. Eat such a big loss, but also let Song Zhanpeng learned to converge, afraid to eat steamed bread again. It is precisely because of the lessons learned from the tragic world that Song Zhanpeng was assigned to Mordor after graduation, and most of the time when he was working, he was the one who added oil and vinegar, not the one who charged ahead. Although the effect is not as good as the charge in the front, but in the end a lot of safety. And dripping water wears away the stone, slowly in front of the leaders of the unit, also brush enough sense of existence,inflatable floating water park, this is not a few days before the successful promotion of half a grade. To say that this comfortable life has been too long, it is easy to relax. If we slacken our efforts, it is easy to make mistakes. It's not.. I met an acquaintance again. I have heard that the senior was assigned to Mordor, but Mordor is my grandmother's home. Maybe I should do my best to be the host, but I don't know if the senior will give me face. Get together sometime?! Zhao Qingru raised her eyebrows and said with a smile. Where, how can let school sister you, you please. Song Zhanpeng's mouth twitched slightly, and his heart was so confused that he was afraid that Zhao Qingru, a creditor who ate people without spitting bones, would collect debts from him. After Song Zhanpeng was assigned to a public institution in Mordor, he soon married a local girl in Mordor. From a certain point of view, he became a live-in son-in-law. Now I have a child, a daughter, who is just four and a half years old. The family crowded in the father-in-law's house, eagerly looking forward to the unit to divide the house earlier. The brother-in-law's family also lived in the father-in-law's house. No, the father-in-law had no time to send his baby grandson, who was about the same age as Xiao Jiu and was almost ten years old, to the interest class, inflatable air dancer ,inflatable floating water park, so he asked Song Zhanpeng, who was going to work in the afternoon, to send his baby grandson to the interest class of the Children's Palace. To say that Song Zhanpeng has grown up these years after leaving school, he is also a social elite. For the time being, it is not clear whether the thought has been decayed or not. At least when it comes to dealing with people, it's not quite the same as it used to be. The reason for the reappearance of the old habit today is nothing more than that "people are in high spirits when they meet happy events", and they are hot-headed for a while. After calming down, especially after seeing the "creditor" Zhao Qingru, on the surface, Song Zhanpeng would never offend Zhao Qingru again. This is not a joke, Song Zhanpeng this session, including Zhao Qingru that session, who does not know that little girl? Although I always asked for leave, I went abroad several times just as an accompanying translator, following the leaders at the top. Song Zhanpeng did not think that he had offended Zhao Qingru again. In line with the principle that he would not die again in the future, Song Zhanpeng shifted the topic. Zhao Qingru is not stupid, not to mention that now it is rare to meet the senior of the school, then take advantage of the opportunity to cooperate for a while. As a result, one second seemingly tit for tat, it is very likely that a messenger of justice will fight the landlord Laocai (fog) to get justice for the poor mother and daughter. In a twinkling of an eye, it will switch to the old classmates who haven't seen each other for a long time. When they meet by chance on the road, they begin to chat. Senior Song, is this your child? You look so strong. Here, Zhao Qingru smiled and praised the little boy beside Song Zhanpeng, and then generously turned out a square red paper bag wrapped in red paper from his pants pocket. "Come on, the first time we met, we didn't bring any gifts. I'll give you a small red envelope.". ” "This is my brother-in-law's son, and my daughter is only four years old this year." Zhao Qingru saw Song Zhanpeng said so, and added one more, Song Zhanpeng hurriedly waved his hand and refused. Because the little boy beside him had already handed over the red envelope, his face was somewhat shyly. He turned his head sideways and said to the little boy beside him, "Thank you, aunt." "Thank you." When Song Zhanpeng saw that there was also a boy beside Zhao Qingru who was not much older than his nephew, he asked curiously, "Zhao Xuemei, this is you.." My youngest cousin is nine years old. When I was admitted to college, he was only a little older. Song Zhanpeng saw this and gave Xiao Jiu the small red envelope he had just received. In and out, Zhao Qingru lost one in the end. However, Zhao Qingru, as a boy of scattered wealth, did not care about this little money at all. But for Wang Fengjuan's mother and daughter, who have been completely ignored, it is not generally dazzling. V230 custody of Nannan The red envelope was like the last straw that broke Wang Fengjuan's nerve representing reason. Although Zhao Qingru and Song Zhanpeng did not have a word of gossip, in fact, there is still a habit of dividing part of the attention, paying attention to Wang Fengjuan's mother and daughter, who are not far away from themselves. This is not, aware of Wang Fengjuan that mood is a little bit wrong, see her toward their side to swoop over the moment, Zhao Qingru hugged Xiao Jiu that small stocky small body, a turn, then narrowly avoided. Song Zhanpeng in the end a little distance, although not the first time to protect their own little nephew, and so on back to God, also hurriedly put the child into his arms, and then stepped back to the side. And Wang Fengjuan's goal is not Song Zhanpeng from beginning to end. Zhao Qingru this escape does not matter, unfortunately stands in Wang Fengjuan and Zhao Qingru on the same straight line that joins in the lively passers-by. Because he couldn't dodge,Inflatable mechanical bull, he fell down on a big horse, and when he was carrying his back to the ground, there was a small stone near the tail vertebra. The innocent passer-by felt the pain immediately.



On Human Nature

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: In order to cover a sufficiently broad range of topics, the definition of religious practice must be expanded to include witchcraft and certain sacred tribal rituals, as well as the more elaborate beliefs that surround myths. I believe that after such a step, the evidence remains consistent with the gene-culture interaction hypothesis. In the history of religion, there are few events that contradict it. Consider ritual for a start. The initial enthusiasm for Lorenz-Tinbergen's microecology has motivated some social scientists to draw analogies between human etiquette and animal communication. But these comparisons are, at best, inaccurate. Most animals' performance is just discrete signals conveying limited meaning. They correspond to gestures, facial expressions, and the primitive sounds of human nonverbal communication. A few animal expressions, such as the complex forms of courtship and the mating of birds,Inflatable 5k obstacle, are so delicate and impressive that some zoologists occasionally call them rituals. But even in this case, the comparison is misleading. Most human rituals, It has something beyond the value of direct signals. As Durkheim emphasized, human rituals not only mark the moral values of the community,Inflatable dry slide, but also emphasize and confirm them and make them more dynamic. Sacred rituals of religion are unique to human beings. Their primary form is related to witchcraft, which is an active attempt to manipulate natural forces and ghosts and gods. From the Paleolithic art found in caves in Western Europe, it can be seen that people pay special attention to hunting animals. There are many scenes of spears and arrows being thrust into the bodies of prey. There are pictures of people disguised as animals dancing or standing bowed in front of animals. Perhaps the function of religious rituals is a kind of sympathetic witchcraft, which is rooted in the idea that imaginary things will eventually happen in reality. This expectant behavior can be compared with the intentional movement of animals, which is often ritualized in the process of evolution and becomes a communication signal. The back and forth swaying dance of bees is actually a small-scale rehearsal of the flight path from the hive to the food. As the middle movement of the "8" dance, the "straight run" changes in direction and time duration, which actually changes with the change of direction and time in the real flight. The meaning of primitive man for these complex animal behaviors should be easy to understand. Witchcraft was, Inflatable outdoor park ,Inflatable indoor park, and in some societies still is. Performed by special characters, called sorcerers, sorcerers, or witch doctors, who were believed to have the secret power of knowledge to deal with the supernatural forces in nature. Because of this, their influence sometimes exceeds that of the leader of the tribe. As the anthropologist Rappaport points out in a recent commentary on the subject, religious rituals appear to serve the communication and performance of primitive societies in direct and biologically advantageous ways. Rituals can provide information about the strength and wealth of tribes and families. Among the Marins of New Guinea, There is no headman or chief who enforces allegiance during the war. Instead, a group performs a ritual dance in which individuals show their willingness to give military support by participating in the dance. The combined strength of the group is determined by the number of participants. In higher societies, military reviews are decorated with state religious facilities and rituals. It was also for the same purpose that the Northwest Coast Indians were famous for their feasting rituals, which gave individuals the opportunity to show off their wealth by what they used to entertain their guests, so that the leaders could further encourage their people to create more wealth, thus expanding the power of the family. Rituals also help to formalize relationships that otherwise tend to create vague or misleading impressions. The coming-of-age rite is the best example. Boys move from childhood to adulthood gradually and slowly, both physically and mentally. It is often the case that one behaves in a purely childlike manner when one should act like an adult, and vice versa. This makes it difficult for society to categorically classify such a person as a child or an adult. The rite of passage removes this ambiguity and arbitrarily transforms a continuous and gradual process into a dichotomous and definite one. This rite also strengthens the bond between the young person and the adult group that accepts him. People's minds tend to deal with problems in a dichotomous way, which is also reflected in witchcraft. Social scientists, such as Robert Levin, Keith Thomas and Monica Wilson, have made excellent reconstructions of the psychological causes of witchcraft. Their research shows that the direct motivation of witchcraft is partly emotional and partly rational. In all societies, As long as the shaman's role, either in healing or in incantation, is not questioned or challenged, he and his family enjoy increasing power, and if his actions are not only beneficial,Inflatable water park factory, but also recognized through rituals, they contribute to the sincere unity of society. In this way, the biological benefits of the institutionalization of witchcraft are clear.



Endless sword outfit

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Every swordsman, perhaps, at this moment, is in the same mood as Ye Bai. In the underground cave, extending in all directions, outside this hall, there is even a hole in the sky. Ye Bai and Wu Mei said goodbye to Tai Shu Qian Yan, followed the old man to turn left and right, and finally slanted across a slightly damp stone road, which presented them with a vast and huge underground sword workshop. Sword Square is very strict, all kinds of equipment are complete, countless iron ingots and copper ingots are piled up in a corner. This is the underground Sword Square built by Tai Shu's family before, for this day, which is their biggest secret. Sword workshop on the ground outside, just cast some ordinary swords with low technology, batch casting, sold to the outside world, confidentiality is not high. And this underground sword workshop is the place where they really cast the best swords. Except for some elders and above, few people know about the whole Tai Shu family, so it was not discovered by the Ximen family until it was destroyed. After that, they tried their best to explore in many ways, but since the family of Tai Shu dared to open such a secret sword workshop here, the degree of secrecy was naturally very high. The family of Ximen searched for decades, but to no avail,inflatable castle with slide, and wasted manpower and material resources. Finally, they could only give up and hate it. Now, it has become the place where'Jian Bo 'casts swords for Ye Bai. It was already ten days later. During the ten days, the old man was busy in a huge furnace with the three sword-refining materials sent by Ye Bai. Ye Bai knew nothing about sword-refining, so he could only watch the fire and fight. Ten days later, the old man revised them one by one according to Ye Bai's request, and finally made three sword molds and put them in front of Ye Bai. Although he had not yet had time to start forging, with these three sword molds alone,Inflatable water park on lake, Ye Bai was able to see the edge of the sword when it was formed. And on this day, the old man will officially start casting the sword, before casting the sword, he gave Ye Bai three choices. Because Ye Bai got a lot of silver and copper, which sword used more or less, if the best distribution of materials, the quality of each sword cast naturally has a great difference. And the three choices the old man gave Ye Bai were: First, to make three six-rank swords with the same handle, with equal materials, and finally to make the swords, all of which were six-rank middle-grade. The second is to create three swords with different attributes, with slightly different dosages. One is the top grade of the sixth rank, one is the middle grade of the sixth rank, and one is the bottom grade of the six rank. The third is to maximize the distribution of all the best materials to one of the swords to create a six-level best, while the remaining scraps are used to cast two six-level inferior products at random. The quality of the first handle must be very high, while the quality of the last two handles must be very poor. Each of these three plans has its own disadvantages, and the old man did not say much, inflatable amusement park ,Inflatable bouncer, but only put forward the plan, waiting for Ye Bai to make his own choice. After hearing the old man's words, Ye Bai did not hesitate to choose the third one, because he knew very well how precious a six-rank sword was, even if he gave up the other two completely, it was worth it. Thinking of this, Ye Bai suddenly remembered something, stretched out his hand, three pieces of red color, black and purple, as if there was a thin mercury flowing in the middle of the strange black iron, and a purple, light sword with a strange light, appeared in his palm. He looked at the old man and said, "Yes, I have two more materials here. I don't know if they are useful for the older generation to refine their swords." The old man was stunned. "What is it?" He asked. Look at the two things in Ye Bai's hands. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he rushed up with a vertical step. He picked up the three strange pieces of black iron and the long sword. He looked at the black iron first, put it down after a while, and then picked up the sword. After looking at it for a long time, he sighed: "Cold light strange iron, purple light demon iron.." Why is it useless? Of course it's useful. These are two extremely rare materials for refining swords. Although they are not as good as congenital blood crystal and sinking star meteorite iron, they can greatly increase the sharpness and sharpness of the three swords when they are added to the three swords I want to forge! At this point, the old man couldn't help complaining, "With these two things, I can use them to refine one of the sixth-level swords into a sixth-level or above. Why didn't you say so earlier and take it out earlier?". I have to reset the distribution ratio again, which takes a lot of effort! When Ye Bai heard this, he couldn't help touching his head and said with an embarrassed smile, "It's been a long time. I forgot it for a while. I suddenly remembered it because my predecessors were going to start casting swords." Cold light strange iron, a total of three pieces, was when he was still in the Ye family, a trip to experience, accidentally found, at that time also afraid of others miss, collected tightly, and later has been stacked in the corner of the three python snow ring, too long, almost forgotten. But this Ziyin Iron Sword was bought by him from Huoyun Weapon Shop at the beginning. It was not even Xuanbing. It was just a sword cast by ordinary people. But because the swordsmith accidentally put an unknown piece of metal in it, the sword mutated and was finally bought back by Ye Bai. According to Jian Lao, this Ziyin Iron Sword contains the legendary Ziyin Iron Essence, that is, the legendary "demon iron", which is the most evil thing in the world. The swordsmiths cast the sword without knowing it. When they woke up, they were all seriously ill and could not get out of bed for three months. All the appraisers who were asked to appraise the sword did not dare to approach the sword at all and directly identified it as an unknown weapon. This sword is naturally useless, Ye Bai later entered Zijing Valley, with a better sword, this sword was slowly sealed up, but he always remembered that as long as he found a relatively rare free iron, he could separate the'Ziyin iron essence 'contained in this sword and re-cast it. And such a rare top-grade casting material, in the hands of a skillful swordsmith, can make a top-grade famous sword, which is not comparable to those ordinary swordsmiths who do not know anything. However,Inflatable water obstacle course, the difficulty is that Ye Bai has not found the free iron, so he forgot the sword. At this time, the old man was going to cast the sword. Ye Bai suddenly remembered that there was a master of sword casting in front of him. Maybe he could find a way? So he took these two things out.



Bright Moon Heart

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: "Well, shall I give you food and shelter for free?"? I stay in that big house, in fact, is very lonely, you do not refuse ah! He looked up at the sky, to take her hand: "Do not say these, the time is not early, go, see me off!" " "I'm not going!" She turned away in a fit of pique. He did not come to pull her, standing in the same place: "You ignore me, I can really go ah!" " She still did not move: "If you want to go, go, cut the crap!" " "Zifei, I will miss you." His voice seemed to drift away. Murong Xiang stood quietly for a long time and felt that he was not right. Hey, did he really leave? Turn around, in the woods, empty, where there is his figure! It was not until she heard the clank of the horse's hooves, one after another, galloping into the distance, that she realized that he was really gone. Leng Junyi, you damn. She sobbed and burst into tears for a moment. The twenty-eighth chapter is a broken mirror Murong Xiang returned to Qingping Villa, did not find the wind royal court, asked Uncle Yue, but said that the childe went out that night, never came back, I do not know where he went. She thought he couldn't see,inflatable amusement park, and she was worried, but then she thought of what he had done, and she was a little angry. She hardened her heart and left him alone. Anyway, he was a big man and would take care of himself. Besides, she was not his exclusive nanny. Why did she care so much? If you want to manage, you should also let Shuilinger take care of it, after all, the relationship between people is different. Ha ha, she stroked her face with a wry smile, in the final analysis,large inflatable water slide, she had a grudge against their past love affair! Just as she was in a trance, the little green outside the door called in a low voice, "Young master, Miss Linger is here. Would you like to say that you have gone out?" Shui Linger? Speak of the devil! She also knew her gender, so it was okay to come in. Besides, as soon as she returned to Qingping Villa, she was afraid that the wind royal court would take things too hard, so she accompanied him all the time, but she didn't have time to talk to her. In fact, there were still some questions in her heart to ask face to face. Ask her to come in! Murong Xiang's body did not move, still leaning on the couch. Hearing the sound of someone coming in, she said lazily, "Sister, come in and sit down quickly. Why did you come to see me today?" "My cousin has been busy outside for the last few days and hasn't even come back at night. I'm bored, so I came to see you!" Smiling, Shuilinger entered the door and saw the beautiful girl with loose clothes and long hair hanging down her shoulders. Rao was prepared and surprised. Murong Xiang, who had not seen her for a few days, became more delicate and moving. After a while, she did not know how beautiful she was! Thinking, inflatable bounce house with slide ,Inflatable outdoor park, the tone can not help but some sour: "Sister, you go out for several days, what do you do?"? Didn't your brother Ting come back with you? Murong Xiang said grumpily, "What else can I do? He was looking for wine everywhere. When he got drunk, he fell down. We played our own games. I don't know where he went later." It was a half-truth, but he did not dare to mention that he had kissed her by mistake. "Well, why don't you keep an eye on him? What if something happens?" When Shuilinger heard this, he walked around the room anxiously. "Uncle Yue is the same. Why don't you look around? North Jincheng is so big. Can you still lose a person?" "I'm too busy to take care of myself. How can I take care of him?" Murong Xiang pointed to his red chest and complained, "I haven't been back for a few days. This cloth belt has almost strangled me. If I don't come back to the village, I'll just hope to die earlier." Shuilinger stopped and looked at her bare breasts. She was angry and amused. "I'm not ashamed to be dressed like this. Fortunately, it's in the house and no one sees it. If it doesn't get out, how can anyone dare to want you in the future?" Murong Xiang saw him dressed in a lake-colored silk dress, with a few wisps of gauze hanging from his waist. As he walked and stopped, he was like rippling waves. He was very moving. He had a woman's bun on his head and a phoenix hairpin slanted on his head. He thought he had dressed up deliberately. His makeup was light and bright, and his eyes and teeth were bright. Compared with the young girl's appearance in the village, I had a bit of mature and charming charm. "Sister Linger, you are so beautiful," she said! Originally, getting married can also make people beautiful! Shuilinger listened to the first half of the sentence, very happy, and then listen back, but his face is sinking down: "This marriage, you know I am not happy, but also make fun of me to do what!" Murong Xiang looked at her and asked in a low voice, "Why, is Lord Feng not good to you?" Is not the night of the bridal chamber did not see her fall red, the heart of resentment ah? Shuilinger paused, caught a glimpse of her concerned eyes, some forced smile: "No, my cousin is very good to me..." Be that as it may, he looked very lonely. Murong Xiang wanted to ask again about the night of the bridal chamber, how did she prevaricate? Now see her this lost appearance, afraid to mention this meaningless affair, make her touched by the scene, and add a sad, but where dare to ask! Had to guess in the heart, may be just the arrival of the moon, pretending to fall red, that Feng Cantang love in her, will only gently comfort, also no longer suspicious of it. The two of them were silent, each thinking about something else. After a while, it was Shuilinger who sat down on the edge of the bed and took her by the hand. First of all, she opened her mouth and said with a straight face, "Sister, I want to talk to you about Brother Ting. Listen to me carefully. Don't refuse.." Murong Xiang was very clever. In just a few words, he could already hear her intention of entrusting her. He immediately said, "Sister, don't say anything. I treat him like a brother and have nothing else. Please rest assured." Shui Linger opened her lips for a long time before she said decisively, "Sister, I already have a husband. I have lost the posture of a willow. My fate with my brother Ting is over. I have nothing to do with him any more.". Brother Ting has a sad life experience and an eye disease. I hope you will take good care of him in the future. Don't let him be sad again. I wish you.. Speaking of the hurt, for a moment, tears splashed down, which made people pity. Murong Xiang said hurriedly, "Sister, don't say that. Your brother is not the lover in my mind. I, Murong Xiang, swear that there will be no intersection with Feng Yuting in this life. If there is any violation, I will be bitten by a snake when I go out and be bitten by a snake when I walk.." Just as he was about to say it again,Inflatable indoor park, he was covered up by Shuilinger. He sighed in a low voice, "Well, what kind of oath is it? Can't my sister believe you?" ?



Blood feather

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: "Yes," said Liang Zhongshan. "It's about four or five inches square. I don't know." Lie took a cold breath and said, "Do you know what material it is?" "How do you know?" Liang Chung-shan exclaimed. "It must be made of human skin," said Alie. Liang Zhongshan hesitated for a moment and said with a smile: "This guess is very reasonable. We pass on the art of refining human skin in the secret of the Blood Gate.". It is unique in the world that such an album can be made. Lie shook his head and said, "How much human skin does it take?" Liang Zhongshan Road: "In addition to the face skin on the human body.". The human skin on the chest, back and thighs can be used. A secret book is enough for a few people. Lie Wu shook his head and thought: "When Uncle Liang talked about this matter, his tone was very light, which showed that he did not care about this matter of human life at all.". In that case, I can't be considered a decent family. When he thought of this, he was very discouraged and did not dare to think about it any more, because if his family was not decent and killed a lot of evil, and his father, Zha Ruoyun, was philandering everywhere and humiliating other women, wouldn't he deserve the punishment of being killed together? Liang Zhongshan heart is also very sigh with emotion, because he felt that the little master, although smart and alert, is a tiger, but he is not only no hero's character, even timid and soft-hearted. With his temperament, how can he make his way in Jianghu and become famous? Neither side has divulged a single thought. Lie changed the subject and asked: What does a split sword look like? What will be the characteristics? Liang Zhongshan Road: "It is said that this sword is the most powerful weapon in the world, and there is no match for it in the universe.". But the shape of the sword is unknown to the little man. "Then where shall we go to look for it?" Exclaimed Alie. Liang Zhongshan Road: "Our family has a secret storehouse, but it is not in the house, so the enemies must not have found it.". Small master as long as open the secret library, immediately is a rich man, money can be inexhaustible. Naturally, the secret of lightsaber and magic skill is also in the library. Lie was deeply moved when he heard this. Way: "You are such a loyal man that you haven't kept the treasure in the secret storehouse." ? Liang Zhongshan smiled and said: "How can a little man have such a blessing?"? According to the little man's guess. There must be a lot of strange things in the secret storehouse, which we never dreamed of. This is the speculation that the little people usually hear some words by chance and sum up. He suddenly showed excitement,a333 grade 6 pipe, and when he said this speculation, he suddenly remembered a mysterious legendary drug of the Cha family, which, after taking it, could turn a timid child into a bold one and kill people without blinking. This wonderful medicine. It's just what Alie needs. He was greatly relieved, thought: "As long as the little master becomes ruthless, with his kind of body out of muscle and bone.". In addition, why can't you run amuck in the world and revive the prestige of the Blood Gate after practicing the unique skills of this gate? Lie asked him what he remembered, but Liang Zhongshan hesitated and refused to tell him. Lie did not ask, but said to him: "I plan to leave Xuchang dozens of miles away, then abandon the carriage, separate from Ouyang Jing, I go to Kaifeng, sweep the tomb of my mother, I'm afraid it's not easy to find time to come back to worship." He said later, x52 line pipe ,316 stainless steel plate, touched the sadness, tears are about to drip down. Liang Zhongshan originally felt very uneasy. But for one thing, he was so sad and hearty. Unable to say anything to stop him, he nodded and said, "Then where shall we meet?" He thought for a moment and then said, "How about in Zhuxian Town?"? Will Ouyang Jing pass by there? A lie way: I don't know? In my opinion, let's meet in Kaifeng. You can help me with one thing first. Liang Zhongshan heart secretly surprised, because a lie was very simple, why suddenly there are a lot of things to do? Lie put the matter of Feng Cuilan, briefly said, way: "Now the Beggars' Sect has set up a trap. On the one hand, it sends out a special report, informing more than ten masters from the south to the north to turn westward and examine them carefully along the way, while the five or six of them chase eastward, forming a pincer attack.". If Feng Cuilan had been informed earlier, she might have escaped the disaster. ” Liang Zhongshan Road: "This Miss Feng has saved the life of the little master.". We must do whatever we can to help her. Chapter 15 He closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then opened them and said: "Her situation is really terrible, because according to the calculation of the villains, the meeting place of the Beggars' Sect is probably in Kaifeng.". The seven sects also took Kaifeng as the center, laid a net, and tightened it to the middle. In addition, the people of the Blissful Sect may also have moved all the way east to Kaifeng. These three groups of people are all very unfavorable to Miss Feng. Beggars' Sect along the way, needless to say. Seven sects along the way, but to find suspicious people, will also start to catch, even if Miss Feng can explain clearly, but the traces have been leaked, the danger is self-evident. As for the blissful religion, besides misunderstanding, there is also the disaster of being humiliated and destroyed. Liang Zhongshan such an analysis, Feng Cuilan obviously really fell into a lot of crisis. Lie jumped up anxiously and said: "What then?" Liang Zhongshan was as calm as an ice cube, and closed his eyes again. After a while, he smiled at the corners of his mouth and opened his eyes: "Little master, the little man has a clever plan here.". If necessary, it can not only relieve Miss Feng's danger, but also benefit us. I just don't know if you can do it or not? To? "Tell me," said Alie. "What's the plan?" Liang Zhongshan Road: "The Beggars' Sect will leave him alone for the time being.". First of all, let's talk about the Seven Schools and the Blissful Religion. It's not difficult for us to disturb them. The way is that you and I work together and send out the signal of revenge. If the location is a little far away from the Kaifeng mansion, the two groups of people, immediately were lured to turn, there is an advantage of this, that is, the fake door of the people, must also be deeply surprised, so try to find out. As long as he does something. There's always a clue, isn't there? Besides,uns s32760 plate, the more chaotic it is, the more profitable we are. He paused for a moment and waited for a lie to nod before saying again: "As a matter of fact, we are really ready for revenge. It is also good to take this opportunity to destroy some of the hands of the Blissful Sect." ?



Yu Cangsheng

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: "Only five miles?" Feng Jun was a little surprised, that silly child! With a sigh, he said, "I'll sneak over and pick him up.". You protect Dad and Le. "I'll go with you." The voice did not fall, and several people scrambled to plead to go with them. Feng Jun waved his hand to calm them down and said, "Don't argue. If you go too much, you will have a big goal.". I'm just bringing someone back. Don't worry. Protect the people left behind, and at the same time, be ready to meet the enemy. There's no guarantee not to bring back the tail. Lost and found? Feng Jun followed the tiny ball of light that Qingyu had no time to contact with him to sneak slowly. The cave, which had no time to speak of, was between the two roads, covered with thorns, and full of short shrubs growing in disorder. The trees in the woods are also crooked, which is convenient for birds to build nests. Five miles, that's two thousand five hundred meters, and it only takes a quarter of an hour to jog. But she can't run. Not all animals have a sense of inspiration. Birds in the woods will fly around when they are frightened without a hint in advance. Night birds fly, and people who know a little about tracking know that there are people there. That will only speed up the killers' search in this direction. Qingyu's night owl reported that the search team was three miles away from Yu Feng. I am less than one kilometer away from them. Immaculate as a beast lies in a tall grass 800 meters away, and his dark golden eyes disappear in a flash. Feng Jun took advantage of that flash to determine the direction, holding a sword slowly down,x56 line pipe, by the wind and the occasional noise in the silent night cover, cut off the last section of thorns. The breeze blew through the low pine forest on the hill, and the sound of rustling in the grass became dense in an instant. The field mouse who stuck his head out of the hole shrank back with a whoosh after a stone rolled past. Four hundred meters, three hundred meters, two hundred meters.. In the last hundred meters, the white tiger stood up silently, and every step on the thick soles of his feet was silent. Feng Jun stood in the shadow of two pine trees,321 stainless steel sheet, waiting for the white tiger with a black cloak and a much higher back to move slowly. Yu Feng half lay on his back, covered his head with a handkerchief and wiped his face desperately until he felt a slight pain before stopping. In the heart murmur does not have the water also not to be able to dispute so many, touched with the hand, did not have any obvious wound, took down only then to remember on the hand is also a hand ash. Can't let Feng Jun see his mess at this time! Only when they are in good order can they look for it. There is no time to say that it is only five miles away, only five miles away! What to do? What to do? I don't know how far I have no time to walk anxiously, but my body suddenly rises into the air and falls into a familiar embrace before screaming. Feng Jun?! Yu Feng gave a low cry of surprise and joy. He immediately forgot that he was covered with mud and grass clippings, and ignored the fact that he was being hugged by others. He grabbed Feng Jun's skirt and asked in a whisper, "How are you?"? Are you hurt? How about brother Le? Have you regained consciousness? Yes "Stop, stop, stop. Take a breath and wait for you to tell you slowly." Feng Jun looked at his hair in disorder by moonlight. The hair on his temples was stuck to his face by sweat. There were dirty stains on his face, and his clothes were scratched in several places. He was really in a mess. He was glad that he didn't seem to be hurt. "Tell me first," he said with a sigh, uns c68700 ,uns c70600, "what happened to the bruise on the back of his hand?" "You, er," Yu Feng buried his little face in her arms and dared not speak, if she knew. I was scared half to death at that time, and I can't be so reckless anymore. My sister is right. She is really too capricious. Ao Yan was hit by an arrow and fell down. He rolled off his horse! No time to pass the sound, the tiger eyes stare round and try to roll his eyes, "and told me not to tell you, sprained foot, a few abrasions, the rest nothing." When Yu Feng saw Feng Jun's long eyebrows, he knew that he had no time to tell her. He bit his lower lip hard and waited for a reprimand. Idiot The reprimand did not come, but came with a sigh of resentment and anger. Yu Feng was put back on his back and opened his eyes in surprise. Feng Jun half knelt and bowed his head to check his ankle without saying a word. Check the ankle and pull up the trouser leg to see the scratch on the knee, then the back of the hand. Yu Feng knew that this time he was too anxious and a little aggrieved. Finally, he couldn't help pulling the corner of the man's clothes and said in a trembling voice, "I know I'm wrong. It won't be like this in the future.". Don't be mad at me, okay? Idiot! How could I be mad at me? Feng Jun sighed, half hugged him and said softly, "I will never be angry with you.". I'm not afraid. I'm here. I'm always here. Baby, I'm not afraid. Yu Feng's eyes, which had been red for a long time, finally burst into tears. When he fell down, he was scared to death. If anything happened to the child, he was afraid to follow him. Fortunately, there was no time to transform, and then everyone was all right. Don't coax me. "Yu Feng buried his head on Feng Jun's shoulder and said in a hoarse voice," Dad said that men can't be coaxed. The more he coaxed, the more he wanted to cry. Hurry up and go to see brother Le. "Silly Wind!" Feng Jun sighed. Still let him sit on his back and go back quietly through the forest. The place where the carriage had been parked was covered with lavender smoke. Seeing them approaching, Qingyu came out of nowhere and handed the two men and the beast a few pills. He whispered, "I put poison in the vicinity and it didn't disperse until dawn. This is the antidote.". Song said that the horse could not run any more, so he stopped for two hours and everyone took a short rest before walking. A simple maze was set up in the woods outside. "All right, I'll take Feng'er to see Le first." Feng Jun turned around and held Yu Feng down. "I have no time to find Ao Yan," he ordered. There were only Tingsong, Suixin and an escort near the carriage, and the rest went out to forge or sweep marks in order to confuse the enemy. Feng Jun got into the carriage with Yu Feng in his arms, and the door opened from inside! "Brother Wind?" Xuanle's pale little face poked out from inside. The person that hears a voice Qi Qi is stupefied, Xuan Le is awake unexpectedly! Not only awake, he also knows Yu Feng! You know, as long as he is sober this day, he will look for the baby everywhere, and even Feng Jun has never looked at it once. Le, does it still hurt? Yu Feng was not surprised, climbed into the car and sat down beside him, pulling Xuanle to see the wound on his body. Pain! Xuanle frowned beautifully,316l stainless steel pipe, curled up and pillowed on Yufeng's shoulder. "I can't find the baby," she said with tears in her eyes. "It hurts.." Brother, what should I do? I lost Feng Jun's baby! ?



War 1938 (World War II through the strong push of the SC)

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Qin Tian stopped lying this time and said bluntly, "I haven't eaten yet, but I'll go back and lie down after you finish eating. I bought something to eat in the old house, so I won't drink porridge. You're sick, and you're not afraid to infect me." Mother Qin had nothing to say. She finished eating obediently. Then she said worriedly, "You can go back later and have a look at our house.." "I know, I know. I have a plan. Don't worry, I'll be back soon." After dinner, let Qin mother continue to lie down to rest, Qin Tian took his coat, and walked around the ward area on the second floor for a while, where nurses, adjutants, soldiers, busy feeding medicine and injections to see the wound to eat, still can not see Augustine. Qin Tian had no choice but to run out of the hospital. She took the subway to the old house to get bread and milk. It was cold and the milk was still drinkable. She gobbled up half of it at once. Then she burped out the door with the rest of the food and rushed to the martial law area. The intersection has no roadblock, it seems that martial law has ended, Qin Tian a burst of joy, non-stop rushed to the blessing building,x60 line pipe, but was shocked by the scene in front of him. Inside the lucky building, the tables and chairs were messy, the broken plates were all over the floor, and it looked like a typhoon passing through. Qin's father and Kang's uncle were tidying up with dustpans and brooms. When they saw Qin Tian, they didn't say anything. Dad, what's going on?! Qin Tian walked in, the ground is rubbish, even the place to stay is hard to find. She even saw shell casings in the debris! Dad,347 stainless steel, are you hurt? Why are there still shell casings? Ah! And blood?! "Bad luck, Ah Tian." Father Qin sighed, "a few French spies hid around here yesterday morning. The German army went door to door to search. They hid in our shop. They failed to persuade us to surrender. Pity my shop.." "Are you, are you hurt?!" Qin Tian touched Qin's father up and down. It's all right. When I arrived, the people in our shop had already been caught, but I heard that there were still a few people hiding elsewhere nearby. They tossed about all afternoon and lifted the ban in the middle of the night last night. Qin's father swept the broken pieces of wood and porcelain into the dustpan and felt heartache. "This kind of thing can't be compensated. Several families in this large area have suffered. I heard that a dozen spies have been caught. I'm lucky. The owner of the bakery you often pass by was hit by a stray bullet and went there on the spot. There's no place to cry.." Where's your grandmother? Qin Tian listens acerbity unceasingly, answer: "Ah Ma worries about you, old house does not have stove again, fell ill." "Huh?" Qin's broom fell down. "Where is she now? Is she all right?!" "I met a friend and sent him to the hospital. Now he's almost well. I don't have any money. Come back and have a look." "Oh, didn't come, you drag first, probably in the evening I and your uncle Kang arranged, your grandmother will not worry too much." Is it really almost ready? "Really, uns s32750 sheet ,x70 line pipe, it's not a serious illness. Just have an injection and take some medicine." I really want to thank your friend. You don't like to take money when you go out. Now you owe someone. How much money do you need from others? "I haven't asked yet." Qin Tian Jiong, how much does it cost to see a doctor? Give it to me first. "My father and mother are in good health, and I haven't been to see them. I don't know. Why don't you take your wallet first? It's still a little bit." If she was in good health, she would get sick in a hurry. What kind of health? Qin Tian took the wallet and opened it. It was only a few dozen francs, but it was too much. She put the wallet away and picked up the broom. What are you doing? Qin's father asked. Help you clean up. Qin Tian a face of course, "will not you two old man here slowly, I am such a strong laborer you want to drive out?" "Strong Labor?"? Hum, charming little girl. You can go upstairs. The second and third floors belong to you. When you're ready, you can go and take care of your grandmother. Don't worry about anything else. "You know I'm a babe and you assign me two floors!" Qin Tian this does not claim to be a strong laborer, while screaming while fart bump fart bump upstairs, a look at the second floor, although the tables and chairs are in a mess, but no big change, "Dad!"? There's nothing to do on the second floor. "Gunfight on the first floor is enough, the second floor and the third floor are German soldiers worried about not finishing the search again, move the tables and chairs back to their seats, anyway, upstairs is not open.". ” "Oh." Qin Tian shrinks back, feels wrong again, shout loudly, "that our home!" "It was done last night." “……” It seems that it has been searched. Do you want to be so meticulous! Qin Tian is full of complaints about the second floor and the third floor, compared to the second floor, the third floor box area is more tragic, several locked box doors are kicked open, not to mention the broken lock, the door also needs to be changed. This is a big loss. It took more than two hours to get it done. Qin Tian went downstairs to wash up and brought a towel and other things to Qin's mother. Qin's father came over, carrying a blue cloth package in his hand. Inside was a big food box. In the other hand, there was also a blue cloth package wrapped in an enamel pot. He handed over the two packages: "Can you carry them?" "Food?" "Well, there's dinner for you two in the food box. There's enough food to eat freely. There's chicken soup in the pot. It's been cooked for more than two hours. It's tasty enough." "How can you finish such a pot?" "Then eat slowly and don't bring it back anyway." "All right.." Dad, take your time and don't be tired. "Ha!" Qin's father laughed and said, "The little girl knows how to feel distressed. It's all right. Your father and Uncle Kang haven't suffered a lot. It's nothing." The author has something to say: Misfortunes never come singly = = Ow! This is the chapter of August 5th. My grandmother came to my house, the elderly mobility inconvenience, have to wait on the front and back, a summer vacation is all-weather strong labor. 65. Dreams When Qin Tian returned to the hospital, he passed by the second floor and couldn't help looking at it, but still couldn't find it. She felt quite aggrieved, even if she did not intend to take care of the whole day, how people do not tell her where, she did not say it does not mean that she is not worried. The heart is hanging and there is no place to say, uncomfortable ah! Back to the ward, evasive said, look at the time is almost the same, such as the nurse gave Qin Mu an injection, two people eat,uns s31803 sheet, but the sick meal is also delivered. Qin Tian helped Qin's mother eat the meal. She took the sick man's meal and the soup pot and went out. Qin's mother shouted, "Ah Tian, don't you eat? Why are you going out?" ?



Treasure Flag and Jade Flute-Cao Ruobing _ txt Novel Paradise

Posted by 25 days ago (

Description: Ouyang Zhao nodded his head and said, "The Sect Leader is right. The main reason why Yan Jiaci was killed in those years is indeed related to a secret of Wulin. Therefore, Ouyang Zhao made a contract with the head of the Seven Schools to break up here. The purpose is to ask the head of the Seven Schools to explain the truth of this secret of Wulin in front of all the Wulin colleagues in the world." Just then, a strange man in the East China Sea, Sang Zixiu, the Great Sage Stone with a Thousand Hands, Duan Bingrong, Wu Juanjuan, Sun Shan, the Lord of Baguio Palace, and the two maidservants of Baiyu Baihuan all arrived at the peak. Ouyang Zhao hurriedly came forward to salute each other one by one and said goodbye to each other. Then, Hua Birong, the leader of Tianmo Sect, Sun Shangping, the head of Nanhai Sect, Master Huiguo, the head of Shaolin Sect, and Taoist Zhiqing, the master of Wudang Sect, all led several masters to come one after another. In a flash, the empty peak was full of people everywhere. Heroes in Wulin, masters in Jianghu, there are no less than a hundred people in the Three Mountains and Five Mountains. Climbed to the summit one after another. However,316ti stainless steel, the people of the seven factions have not yet seen a person appear. Because of this, there was a buzzing sound on the top of the peak, and all the heroes were secretly discussing the reason why they did not see the people of the seven factions. Most people think that the leaders of the seven factions may be self-aware and unable to escape justice, so they are afraid to fulfill their promises. Just as the heroes were whispering, there was a buzzing sound on the peak. Suddenly, someone shouted: "Coming, coming!" " As these two sounds came, the buzzing sound of whispering stopped,x60 line pipe, and hundreds of pairs of eyes all cast their eyes on the mountain path. Sure enough, there were no fewer than thirty or forty people on the mountain path, and they galloped toward the peak like stars and lightning. These thirty or forty figures, one by one, were faster than the wind, and in a twinkling of an eye, they had all reached the summit. As soon as the figures of those who had climbed to the summit stood still, all the heroes suddenly sent out a buzzing sound of private discussion. It turned out that although the people were all elite masters of the seven factions, they did not see the shadow of a master. Why is one of the leaders of the seven factions missing? Only send the master in the door to come, but not to fulfill the promise? Just as all the heroes were having private discussions and speculating, Ouyang Zhao was already floating out. He looked at the masters of the seven factions with shining eyes and asked in a loud voice, "Where is the head of the seven factions?" Emei yuanchao Zen Master Pai Mei Wei Xuan gazed at Ouyang Zhao and said with a calm face, "Almsgiver Ouyang, why should you ask knowingly?" Ouyang Zhao was stunned. "What does the Zen master mean?" He asked. Qingcheng Lingzhen Taoist said in a deep voice, "Almsgiver, you know in your heart!" "How about making it clear, x70 line pipe ,x56 line pipe, Taoist?" Ouyang Zhao asked. The Taoist Priest Lingzhen gave a sneer and said, "Almsgiver, why are you still pretending?" Ouyang Zhao could not help but feel very surprised. However, here and now, he really did not want to talk nonsense with the people of the seven factions. Therefore, as soon as the voice of the Taoist Priest Lingzhen fell, he immediately said in a deep voice with a cold face, "The leader of the alliance doesn't understand anything about pretending. The Taoist Priest can't avoid the important and dwell on the trivial. The leader of the alliance only asks you where the head of the seven sects is now."? Why don't you come to fulfill the promise? Give the leader of the alliance a clear explanation in front of the world's Wulin colleagues! Lu Hongchi, the head of the Three Elders of Kunlun, suddenly sneered and shouted, "Boy.". A real man dares to act. Why don't you make a clear explanation in front of all the Wulin colleagues in the world? "What do you want from the leader of the alliance?" Ouyang Zhao asked in surprise. The Taoist Priest Lingzhen asked in a deep voice, "Where are the leaders of the seven sects now?" "Who is the Taoist asking?" Ouyang Zhao asked. "Ask the benefactor, of course," said Master yuanchao. "Ask me?" Ouyang Zhao asked in astonishment. "How could anyone know?" Asked Lu Hongchi. "How would I know." Ouyang Zhao gave a slight pause and asked, "What happened to the leaders of your school?" The Taoist Priest Ling Zhen said coldly, "I'm missing!" As soon as the Taoist Priest Lingzhen said this, all the heroes could not help but be stunned. When Ouyang Zhao heard this, his face suddenly changed. "Really?" He asked. The Taoist Priest Lingzhen said in a deep voice, "The benefactor knows very well whether it is true or not." Ouyang Zhao smiled and said, "So the Taoist thinks I have something to do with the disappearance of your master and others?" Lingzhen Taoist said coldly, "Apart from the benefactor, I can't think of anyone who dares to be so bold!" Ouyang Zhao burst out laughing and said, "Thank you for your praise, but.." "How?" Ouyang Zhao said with a straight face, "The fact has nothing to do with me, Ouyang Zhao." "Almsgiver, who can believe that?" Asked yuanchao. "What's the basis of your words?" Ouyang Zhao asked coldly. yuanchao Zen Master was slightly stunned and was speechless to answer. It turned out that when the head of the seven factions disappeared, the people of the seven factions only speculated that Ouyang Zhao had done it, but in fact there was no evidence. Ouyang Zhao suddenly asked again, "When did the head of your seven sects disappear?" "Two days ago," said Master yuanchao. "Where?" "Golden Summit of Emei." "How did you disappear?" "I don't know." "The leaders of the seven factions are all together." Zen Master yuanchao nodded and said, "We are discussing the appointment." Ouyang Zhaolue said thoughtfully, "I have doubts about this." "Suspect what?" yuanchao Zen Master asked. Ouyang Zhao said, "If the leaders of the seven factions are together, they will suddenly disappear without being noticed. I'm afraid no one in the martial arts world can believe this, unless.." When he said this, he suddenly hesitated. "Almsgiver," said Master yuan Chao, "do you suspect it's a lie?" Ouyang Zhaolang's eyes suddenly flashed like lightning and he said in a deep voice, "It's not a lie. It's your master waiting for him to escape from him." Zen Master yuanchao said with a straight face, "Almsgiver, it's not unreasonable to suspect, but.." Before he had finished speaking, Master Huiguo, the head of Shaolin, suddenly floated out and shook his hand at him. He turned to Ouyang Zhao and said in a loud voice, "Can Ouyang, the leader of the alliance, say a word to me?" As soon as Ouyang Zhao saw this, he quickly bowed back and said, "If the master has any advice,x52 line pipe, Ouyang Zhao should listen attentively." Master Huiguo smiled and said in a loud voice, "I think there is an unusual secret about the sudden disappearance of the leaders of the seven sects, so.." ?

