

Leftover Men Are Poisonous: Senior Officials Occupy Young Wives

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Xiao Ke began to hate me because of my accident! Later, Qian Dai was sent away, I never saw her again, the incident caused a storm in the city, Qian Dai's parents later moved away! During that time, Xiao Ke went crazy to look for her everywhere, but he still couldn't find her anywhere. Xiao Ke seemed to be depressed for a long time. It was not until three years later that I learned that the Iraqi family had emigrated to Canada. Still later, Xiao Ke went to Canada to look for Qian Dai, and when he came back, he brought the portrait of Qian Dai. Only then did I know that Xiandai had committed suicide in Canada. She would never know how much Xiao Ke loved her. Xiao Ke, 21, loved Xiandai, 15! The death of Qian Dai made me live in self-reproach all my life! I owe Qian Dai, I owe Xiao Ke, you know? Xiao Ke asked me to settle accounts. At that time, I had already started the college entrance examination. For the first time, Xiao Ke locked me in the room. I missed the first day of the exam and failed naturally. In the second year, I did it again, but it was still like this. I missed two cultural courses, and I couldn't get the score line at all. The last time he showed mercy, I didn't miss the exam! At the age of twenty, I finally went to college! I can't leave, not that I don't want to, but I want to wait for him to torture me enough, I think it's OK! Think I don't owe him, and then leave! Three years, I don't know if I've had enough! Just now I said it was over, but he didn't agree! In fact, I understand that Xiao Ke and I were doomed to be entangled in my life when Qian Dai left, and I want to pay off my debts! When he lost his girlfriend, I was his bed warmer. When he thinks of Qian Dai, I am the tool of his violent emotions! Lose Qian Dai, I have always been a tool,lycopene for skin, Xiao Ke no longer need love. I am humble as dust, low to the dust can not be lower, but not in exchange for his fixed point of love! In fact, so what? There's nothing wrong with being tortured by him. At least I feel at ease. I feel more and more that what I owe them is almost finished. In this way, very tired, tortured but also down-to-earth. Cheng Lingbo listened to these words quietly, not knowing what to say. Does Xiao Ke treat Yang Xiaoshui like this because of Yi Qiandai? If you love Yi Qiandai, why do you want to be with Yang Xiaoshui? Xiao Ke is really a person who can't figure it out! "You owe Yixiandai, not Xiao Ke!" "No!"! I owe Xiao Ke, whether it is the matter of Qian Dai or the economy! Without Xiao Ke, I could not study in the Academy of Fine Arts and pay for the expensive study fees! When my mother was ill, Xiao Ke paid for the medicine. He was fierce to me, but still respected my parents! So you're going to go on like this? He did this to you, and you're gonna keep paying? The more you indulge him, the more he will have no degree in the future! It doesn't matter, Lingbo, thank you! I like this, ghana seed extract ,carnosic acid price, this may feel better in the heart! I haven't seen what kind of means Xiao Ke used to embarrass people! Don't worry, I'm really good, I should be grateful that he made me strong inside! But you, he may really be determined to pursue you! Because you are a bit like Qian Dai, you both have a pair of cat's eyes, and you both look very cold! Cheng Lingbo's face was expressionless. "That's none of my business," he said! If you can use me, you can ask, I can help you! "Thank you, Lingbo, I'm very happy to know you!" "I'm not a stand-in for Elaine. Don't look for spiritual comfort from me!" "I know you are Cheng Lingbo!" "Just know!" Cheng Lingbo shrugged and climbed onto the bed, intending to lie down for a while and wait for Pei Qiyang to pick her up. After Yang Xiaoshui tidied up the garbage, he came back and climbed into bed. Neither of them had eaten. Cheng Lingbo said, "If you don't go to the canteen again, there will be no food!" Yang Xiaoshui rubbed his head and said, "No, I have no appetite!" Cheng Lingbo wanted to say something, but seeing her tired eyes closed, he said nothing more. Pei Qiyang's car drove outside the school and stopped behind Xiao Ke's car. He sat in the car all the time, looking at the red sports car in front of him, and then squinted at it. However, after waiting for a long time, Xiao Ke did not get out of the car, Pei Qiyang thought, that rotten man must not have seen his car in the back! He got out of the car and walked toward Xiao Ke's car. Then he went to the co-driver's seat and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, a strong smell of tobacco suddenly came out, which made Pei Qiyang frown. Shit! Are you dead in the smoke? Opening his mouth without hesitation, Pei Qiyang frowned and waited for the smoke to disperse before sitting in. Xiao Ke did not lift his eyelids, and a pile of cigarette butts had been lit in the ashtray in the car. Shout! Don't talk and play deep? Pei Qiyang opened his mouth again. Suddenly, he found bruises on his face, as if he had been punched, and he was very happy: "Oh, was he beaten by Yang Xiaoshui?" Xiao Ke frowned, turned his face to look at him, cool eyes, fundus is angry, is complex, that complex seems to be envy and jealousy, all kinds of emotions in it. What's the matter? Do you want to commit suicide for love? Can't you get over it when you are in love? Or do you fall in love with me and hate me if you can't get me? I was beaten by a woman and became angry from embarrassment and hated me? "Why don't you die?" Xiao Ke spoke coldly. If I die, who will stop you from being an eyesore? "Don't pretend to be God in front of me!" "Xiao Ke, you are really like a grandson!"! You're the only one who can do that to a little girl! Come on, what happened this time? Do you have to rob a woman with your buddies? "I want her!" Xiao Ke looked at Pei Qiyang, looked at him without blinking, and said. Pei Qiyang smiled and laughed sarcastically, "Xiao Ke, I find that you are really arrogant and conceited. Do you think everything in the world is in your applause?"? Even if you have this ability, her spirit wave, whether her person or her heart, is not controlled by you. Xiao Ke's hand slightly stiffened, looking at Pei Qiyang's earnest and firm eyes, slightly narrowed his eyes, "did you move your heart?" "I really have nothing to do with you, my woman,mulberry leaf extract weight loss, my woman you can not touch!" Xiao Ke smiled, held his head high and said in an irresistible tone, "I said I would go after her!"! I have the freedom to pursue her every day before she becomes your wife! ?



The fate of the Three Kingdoms

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: The pink peach blossoms are blooming one by one, and you can't see the end at a glance. At your feet, it looks like Oscar's Avenue of Stars. I jumped off my horse and walked carefully into it, touching the flowers on the tree, but I was afraid of hurting them. When the wind blows from time to time, it blows down the peach blossoms on the trees. The petals fall one by one. I stretch out my hands to catch them and sprinkle them in my hands little by little. I put my nose close to my hand, as if, ah, light and refreshing. Do you like it? He did not know when he came up behind me, hugged me and asked softly. I nodded that I liked it very much. If you like it, come on, go inside and have a look. He took me by the hand and walked inside. I felt that it was like a maze. If I was not careful or too greedy for the beautiful scenery, I would get lost in it. As the saying goes, "There is no way out for mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers." There is a stream in front of us. We walked side by side with our fingers clasped tightly. The stream flowed under the bridge. There was a small room not far ahead. I didn't know if anyone lived there, so I pulled him: "Will there be someone inside?" He didn't listen to what I said. He pulled me all the way. When he got in, he found no one inside. The furniture seemed to be new, the room was neat, and it had everything it should have, including dressing tables, bronze mirrors and so on,best green coffee bean extract, which should be occupied by women, but it did not look like someone had lived in it. How did you find this place? I asked him curiously. He was surprised and then said, "Do you think this is natural?" It dawned on me that he had designed all this, thanks to me. I thought it was someone else's home. Why don't I have any romantic cells? Do you like it? He saw that I had been enjoying the scenery around me and did not care to talk to him. Like He pulled me to the porch and sat down. He asked me to look him in the eye. "I know you want a happy family and a unique husband, but I can't give you that.". You want to have a home like a small bridge and flowing water. I sent someone to build it here. I know you don't mean that, but that's all I can do. I'll try my best to accompany you to live a life of ordinary people. Although I have a large group of wives, but I only have you in my heart,naringenin price, if I can find you earlier, then maybe there will be no them, but fate, they already exist, I can not let them disappear. Maybe you want to live a simple life, but the burden on my body is too heavy, I can not put down, would you like to stay with such a person, so that he is no longer lonely? He looked at me eagerly, hoping to get my affirmative answer. I listened to his words, only moved, he is willing to confess these things to me so openly, I hope I understand his difficulties, no complaints, no powerlessness, pumpkin seed extract ,lutein eye complex, just hope I can accept him. I found that he always spoke to me as me, not as a loner. Maybe he didn't want to be a loner in front of me. He wanted to be accompanied by me. I do. Once promised, since the promise, is a lifetime, can not go back on. He held me in his arms with joy. "I knew you wouldn't let me be alone." I also reached out to embrace him, I also care about what, a man in front of me so brave to dissect their hearts, so deeply love me, I can not be brave, let go? Even if I end up black and blue and have nothing, at least I have loved deeply. Do not have deep sorrow and deep hatred. At this time, silence is better than sound. At this moment, all words are superfluous. I think I should be the happiest person in the world. As the sun sets in the west, the sunset glow is so red, like burning clouds, disappearing bit by bit. We look at the beautiful scenery of the sunset, and we are reluctant to leave. We want to put everything down and live here all the time. We are two people, far away from the troubles of the world. There is no Cao Cao, Liu Bei, or Jiangdong inheritance. There is only two of us, to be a pair of immortal couples, living a life that only envies Mandarin ducks but not immortals. If time can stay in this second, but people can not be greedy, this scene has been deeply left in my heart, my song. "You are deep in my mind, in my dreams, in my heart and in my songs." In this situation, only this song can best represent my mood. How nice! You are also deep in my heart, in my marrow, in my life. He put his face in my face and responded to my song. We were immersed in each other's friendship, but it was getting late and we couldn't stay any longer. Happy time always has to pass, because it is short, so we will cherish it. Let's go. I opened my mouth to remind him that I was very satisfied today, and that the cold war atmosphere of the past few days had all been eliminated. I'll never mess with him again because of this. He closed his eyes and said yes, but his body did not move. Let's go. We have to go back to the secular world. The revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades still need to work hard. I was suddenly in high spirits. He still did not move, but raised his hand and motioned for me to pull him up. I pulled his arm hard and finally pulled him up. The horse seemed to understand our feelings at the moment and walked slowly with us, as if he wanted us to leave more memories. After going back, the servant came to report that Mrs. Xie had a sudden abdominal pain, as if she was about to give birth. Sun Quan and I hurried to have a look. Standing outside the door, we could do nothing but listen to the howling of ghosts and wolves inside. Sun Quan was calmer than me and sat there. This is not his first child, and he may be used to it. Ah Ah Heart-rending shouts kept coming from inside the room, and I was frightened to hear them. It was really scary to have a baby. Don't worry, just sit here and wait. Sun Quan got up and pulled me to sit down. I clenched my fist and sat uneasily. In ancient times, when medical conditions were so backward, a woman who gave birth to a child really had to go to the gate of death. This time, she could not come back. I won't have a baby even if I die. Wu Hou is not good,pumpkin seed extract, madam dystocia, see red, can only protect one. The midwife ran out and anxiously told Sun Quan that she hoped he would make a decision quickly.



Deceitful world (end)

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Not far away, there was a boat floating on the river near the bridge. The boat was very, very small, and looked like a big bathtub. It was drifting closer and closer, and soon it was under the bridge. It floated past Zhanzhao's eyes. I saw a man lying on the boat. After Bai Yutang and Zhanzhao took a look, they opened their eyes wide at the same time. The ship was a corpse, not a person. The corpse's face was almost blue. It should have been dead for a long time. But the key was that the corpse was wearing a shroud and had been collected. It looked like it came out of the coffin. Bai Yutang was stunned, woke up and whispered, "isn't this the body of Cao, the king of Qinglong?" Zhanzhao is also a surprise, he did not recognize the Green Dragon King, so the initial impact is not as big as Bai Yutang. But after listening to Bai Yutang, he couldn't understand how the body could float here? Two people looked at each other to think, understand to come over, should be that day the sea dragon gang fire, this corpse floated out? As soon as Zhanzhao thought about it carefully, he felt a chill on his back. How to say that the Qinglong King should be offering in the mourning hall, that is to say, he should be in the coffin. How could he get on the boat? Bai Yutang comforted him, "Maybe someone put it on the boat in a hurry in order to save the body and see the fire, and finally drifted downstream.." At this point, Bai Yutang also stopped-this river is a tributary of the Yangtze River, the river water from the upper reaches, into the lower reaches into the sea. The sea area where the Hailong Gang is located is downstream. No matter how the body drifted,gynostemma pentaphyllum leaf extract, it could not have suddenly drifted from the sea downstream to the river upstream, and then drifted down from the upstream into the sea, right? That's so weird! Two people are pondering, see the body is about to float away, see the boy took a branch to pull the body back, but the boat is in the middle of the river, the current is also more rapid, where he can reach. Zhanzhao wanted to take the body back in the past, but Bai Yutang grabbed him and shook his head helplessly. Zhanzhao was stupefied,tannic acid astringent, knowing in his heart. It's a strange thing, and if they get the body, it's not clear. Now every witness is around, just a pair of passers-by in front of them. If someone accuses them of stealing the body or having something to do with the fire of the Hailong Gang, they will jump into the Yellow River and not be able to wash it. What's more, the sea dragon gang destroyed, the indirect benefit is trapped island, now there are rumors spread out-said that the sea dragon gang destroyed the most benefit is trapped island, otherwise why they are willing to take care of the refugees of the sea dragon group?! A few days ago, Mrs. Lu was still angry about it. But let it go. What's the meaning of floating in the river like this? Seeing that Zhanzhao seemed to be in a dilemma, Bai Yutang went over and whispered, "In this direction, the body is drifting to the city. Soon someone will find it and report it to the official. At that time, someone from the Yamen will come to collect the body and inform the people from the Hailong Gang to collect it.". Now the rain is much lighter, and it should not take long to be taken away. Let's go with the Green Dragon King. This matter involves the comfort of the old and the young on the empty island. It's too big. Zhan Zhao nodded, naturally listening to Bai Yutang. As a result, the two men silently clasped their palms together and followed the Green Dragon King, saw palmetto extract ,lutein and zeaxanthin supplements, watching the boat drift away leisurely, gradually drifting away, and sure enough, in a short while. Pedestrian screams were heard in the street. Zhanzhao and Bai Yutang shook their heads helplessly. Compared with the other masters of the Hailong Gang, they were not as good as him. After all, he got a whole corpse. Alas.. Just then, the man in the opposite carriage sighed, "Dead, dead, once and for all." "Sir." The boy asked curiously, "Why is your nose so smart that you can even ask about the smell of a corpse?"? What's more, the corpse is smelly. Why is it fragrant? The person inside the car smiled, "fool fool, this flower has the cent of sweet smelly, corpse nature also has, everything in the world has two sides!" After hearing this, Zhanzhao and Bai Yutang subconsciously raised their eyebrows and said to themselves that the old man was still very talkative. As the saying goes, to live is to see people, to die is to see corpses, and not to see corpses is not necessarily dead. The man in the car suddenly laughed faintly. "Some people want to live and have a reason to live, but they die.". Some people are dead, and deserve to die, but live, sin, sin! His words made Zhanzhao and Bai Yutang feel a slight movement in their hearts, as if they had thought of something, but they could not say what it was. By this time, the rain had almost stopped, and the man in the car urged the boy, "Hurry up and hurry up. If you are late, something will go wrong." "All right, sir!" The boy hurried to get on the horse. But Zhanzhao took two steps to catch up with him. "Wait, can you drive out and see me?" The man in the car was silent for a while and refused, "It's better not to see each other than to meet by chance." "It's fate to meet by chance. Why don't you see fate?" Zhanzhao asked in reply. Hey, Childe, don't force him! The boy smiled and waved to Zhanzhao, "I've been driving for him for more than a month, and I don't know what he looks like, let alone you!" Zhanzhao was stunned and looked back at Bai Yutang. See Bai Yutang slightly concentrated, that look shows understanding. He is a man who has done it and said it again. At this time, the opportunity is once in a blue moon. Meet the man in the car and see who he is! Although there is a suspicion of rudeness, the two men have decided to act after a wink exchange. Just as he was about to jump over, he heard the man laugh, "I was so ugly that I dare not see anyone.". You two are very talented. How dare I get out of the car and humiliate myself? You two should not embarrass me. The boy grinned and whipped it down. The two strange horses drove away from the bridge. Bai Yutang frowned, jumped sideways across the river, caught up with a few steps, and landed on the roof of the carriage, quietly. Zhanzhao was afraid that something would happen to him, so he hurried to follow him. Bai Yutang jumped down to the boy's side. Alas? The boy was startled and quickly pulled the reins to stop the carriage. "What are you doing, Childe?" Bai Yutang did not pay attention to him, but used a silver knife to pick up the curtain of the car and let it pass sideways. At this time, Zhanzhao just fell in front of the car, looked back along the raised curtain,jujube seed powder, and saw a man sitting in the car, that appearance, too scary. Both of them were stunned when they looked at it.



Mie Shen Ji _ Heart Dream Without Trace _ txt Novel Paradise

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Liu Yunyang was surprised that the girl was not only amazingly beautiful, but also shocking in her intelligence and wisdom. Looking up, Liu Yunyang looked at the beautiful face in front of him and smelled the charming girl's fragrance. He looked calm and said, "There has never been any relationship between us. Why should we consider it?" At this moment, he learned from Xiao Canghai that he was not surprised when things happened, and he played a few points. With a sharp smile, the girl suddenly approached him, and the distance between them suddenly changed from one foot to three inches. Liu Yunyang was so surprised that his eyes were flustered and his body immediately moved back. Seeing this, she smiled. The girl's beautiful face was somewhat charming. She asked, "Since it doesn't matter, why do you avoid it? I won't eat you." Liu Yunyang looked at her in amazement and said in a deep voice, "You have changed. I remember the first time we met. You are not like this." The girl smiled indifferently, put away the charming smile, the whole body exudes the holy gas, the whole person appears euphemistic and reserved, giving a lady's temperament. Do you think I have changed now? Light as the eyes of the spring, containing but not revealing deep feelings, all with fatal temptation, deeply shocked Liu Yunyang's heart. Looking at the girl blankly, Liu Yunyang said, "You, what's the matter with you? Why are you so changeable and unpredictable?". Which one is the real you? The girl smiled and said,phycocyanin spirulina, "In fact, everyone is changeable, but some people have a small range of change, which is not impressive, so people who know him feel that his character is the same.". And some people change greatly, changing at any time and anywhere, even familiar people can not figure out his mind. This kind of person is unfathomable at best and insidious at worst. Liu Yunyang was shocked, and the girl's words made him suddenly realize that he had a deeper understanding of the world. Looking at the girl,ghana seed extract, Liu Yunyang was moved and said, "The girl's insight is extraordinary. Yunyang has benefited a lot. It's really admirable." The girl looked at him frankly, her eyes were charming but not charming, her smile was beautiful but not gorgeous, just like a fairy falling into the world of mortals. Superficial words are not enough to be praised. It's just that I have a question to ask, and I hope you can answer it. Liu Yunyang looked at the holy girl and felt a strange feeling in his heart. He found that the girl's holy spirit was slightly different from that of the water dream mark that day. The girl in front of us has a kind and friendly atmosphere in her sanctity, while the body of Shuimenghen has a dignified atmosphere that people dare not desecrate. The two seem similar on the surface, but there is a fundamental difference in essence. "If the girl has something to say, please say it. If Yunyang can answer, he will never refuse." The girl said softly, "Which one do you think is more acceptable to you, me now or me just now?" Liu Yunyang a stay, then indifferent. He never thought that the girl would ask the question so directly. Carefully considering the girl's words, Liu Yunyang hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth: "At present, as far as I am concerned, turmeric extract powder ,glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, you feel better at this time." When the girl heard this, she smiled and said with some feeling, "For you, I am better now, but have you ever thought about the reason carefully?". When people get along with each other, they will keep a certain distance from each other under the influence of the secular world and the constraints of ethics. The distance shows the relationship between the two sides, and an important factor affecting the distance is the character of both sides. To put it simply, people's personality is divided into introversion and extroversion, introverts are silent, not good at communication, always like to hide their hearts in the corner, not to be touched. Extroverts are eloquent, hospitable, and like to show off their talents and ask about other people's secrets. When two introverts meet, they keep a safe distance from each other because of their personalities. When two extroverts meet, they are congenial and quickly get closer. When an introvert meets an extrovert, in the introvert's heart, he always feels that the other person is advancing step by step, or is getting to the bottom of the matter, touching his hidden heart and rejecting it, so he should pull away and use indifference or ruthlessness as a mask to refuse the other person's approach. In the hearts of extroverts, they feel that the other side is too restrained, always hoping to melt the other side's indifference with their own enthusiasm, so that he can release his heart and face himself openly. In this way, in the heart of an introvert, in order to protect his fragile heart from being touched, he always hopes that the person he meets is calm and introverted, so that he does not have to wear a mask of indifference to hide his heart. But if he meets an extrovert, he must always be vigilant and keep a distance from each other, so as not to be approached and discover his fragile mind. Therefore, subconsciously, if an introvert has a choice, he will choose to get along with introverts rather than extroverts. That's why you think I'm better now, and I made you a little wary or worried before. Liu Yunyang looked at her with a complicated expression, and his heart was shocked. The girl bent a circle and said a lot of words, which was nothing more than saying that she understood what she was thinking and what she was worried about. Baidu Search Bubble Book Bar to read the latest and most complete novel/WWw. XiAosHuotxt. COM. Chapter 11 pressing step by step. And Liu Yunyang has to admit that he does have such worries. Before, he had hesitated for a long time when he answered, hoping that the girl could keep her present appearance, get along with each other lightly, and keep a certain distance. But at the moment, the girl spoke out his mind without reservation, which made him somewhat embarrassed while he was surprised, and he could not find words for a while. In the night sky, the invisible smile of the sea said with a wry smile, "This girl is not simple. She is much more powerful than Yan Feier.". When Yunyang meets her, most of them will fall into her gentle trap. Li Yunxiao said with a smile, "Love is unpredictable. The girl's cleverness is far from that. It's just that whether she can melt this ice or not depends on her fate." Xiao Canghai nodded and said, "You're right. That day Yan Feier openly expressed her love, Yunyang could calmly refuse. Although this girl is intelligent and beautiful,akba boswellic acid, she may not be able to move his heart. It's still a hard thing to say." In the moonlight, the waterfall flows endlessly, and the roaring sound of the water drowns each other's breath.



Naked marriage

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Chen Jiaojiao did not say a word, not even a "hello", but gently pressed her ear against the phone. Then, after five or six seconds, Chen Jiaojiao exhausted all her strength and shouted, "Get out." With this word, she dropped the phone on the ground. The whole restaurant was silent, everyone became a frozen picture, and I could even see the food in the mouth of a man opposite. Chen Jiaojiao ran away and really ran out of the restaurant like an arrow from the bow. I chased after her and watched her reach out to stop a taxi, get into it and walk away. I immediately took out my cell phone and dialed Chen Jiaojiao's phone, but a female voice told me that the user you dialed could not be answered for the time being. Yes, Chen Jiaojiao's mobile phone is still in the restaurant behind me, and it has fallen to pieces. The waiter of the restaurant ran after me and said, "Miss, Miss, you haven't checked out yet." Throughout the afternoon, I kept calling Chen Jiaojiao's company, but she was absent from work for a whole afternoon. In the evening, I called Chen Jiaojiao's home, and Chen's mother answered,rosmarinic acid supplement, "Jiaqian, Jiaojiao hasn't come back yet. Maybe she went to the mall again.". The child hasn't bought new clothes for several days, and he probably can't hold it today. I hung up the phone shyly: "What a bad mother.". The next day, I still couldn't find Chen Jiaojiao. On the third day, I finally called Cui Bin: "Have Jiaojiao looked for you these two days?" "Why would she come to me now?" Cui Bin's tone is not without helplessness. I can't help but think that up to now, Chen Jiaojiao still occupies a large place in Cui Bin's heart. Yes, falling in love with a person can be a moment, but not love a person,fenugreek saponins, but it takes time. Cui Bin naturally asked me in turn: "What's wrong?" I answered in a vulgar way: "Nothing." Cui Bin insisted: "Don't hide it from me, OK?" I answered vaguely, "She's not in a good mood recently. I can't get in touch with her. I'm a little worried." "Why are you in a bad mood?" "I don't know. A lot of things are piled up.". All right, all right, if she wants you, you tell her to call me. I hung up the phone and dared not listen to Cui Bin's further questions. And when I really see Chen Jiaojiao again, it will be a week later. Besides, she's with Cui Bin. Liu Yiyang and I began to look for a house. Because of the brocade, so our requirements for the house is really not generally harsh, can not share with others; living in the shade is afraid, the two rooms are best to face the sun; can not be the ground floor, can not be the top floor; the house can not be too old, ants and cockroaches can not have; the previous residents have to pay attention to hygiene, do not come back to leave, turmeric extract powder ,jujube seed powder, leaving bacteria; The location can't be too east or too west, lest Lewis Yang and I work too hard to get to and from work; the community has to be safe, and the case of abducting and selling children can't happen; it's better to pay the rent every three months, and the deposit should be equal to one month's rent, so that the money can be kept in our own hands, so that we can feel at ease. More importantly, this month's rent must be less than two thousand yuan. Liu Yiyang and I split up, and each of us went to an average of five agencies every day. When we got there, the other party must have curled his lips and shook his head, plus a "difficult", and then wrote down our phone numbers and asked us to go home and wait for the message. My mother-in-law pined away at an alarming rate in the past few days. Whenever I had a chance to pass by her and her father-in-law's room, I would squint into it, and she must be holding Jin Jin in her arms, with empty eyes and a sad face. It is absolutely a lie to say that I am not worried, but my own love for brocade has already expanded to explode. So I decided to move this house. Liu Yiyang asked me, "We live alone. Who will watch Jin Jin during the day?" "Find a babysitter, whatever else, just to look after the children." My answer is simple. How much is that for a month? Lewis Yang's mind is calculating the accounts. Two thousand yuan is enough anyway. I guess. So much. Otherwise, let's find a house near here and let my mother look at it during the day. ” "No, Mom holds Jin Jin in her arms every day. What if Jin Jin can't climb or walk?" You don't trust my mother, you trust the nanny? If the nanny is lazy and doesn't care about hugging, isn't Jinjin even worse? Besides, can the clothes and bottles washed by the nanny be cleaner than those washed by my mother? What if you meet someone who doesn't wash his hands after going to the toilet again? Lewis Yang's lips are rarely so fast. Seeing that he was still talking, I rushed forward and covered his mouth: "I didn't wash my hands after going to the toilet. You can smell it well.". Shut the *** up. Otherwise, ask your mother to help. Let's save as much as we can on unnecessary expenses. Lewis Yang hugged me and sat on his lap, not caring about my weight. You mean it, don't you? It's okay for my mother to look after her for a day or two. She won't do it if she's tied up for a long time. You know that. "Oh, you're allowed to set a trap for my father, but I'm not allowed to talk about your mother?" Lewis Yang is referring to the fact that I told his father about moving. This fellow didn't talk nonsense with me at that time. He ran here and waited for me to come. Come on, don't be your father and my mother. It's all our father and our mother. I made the offer. So what about this thing? "Let's find a house first." When it came time to pack up and move, I really didn't have the determination to dismantle Jinjin and her grandmother. Moreover, what Lewis Yang said is reasonable, his mother is thousands of times better than a strange nanny, although spoiling children is a problem, but it is better than letting children suffer in the hands of outsiders. But at this time, I can not spit this mouth, after all, I am still jealous of my mother-in-law like a jealous rival. "Thank you for your concerted efforts," Tracy said at the celebration of Shuoyuan's fine Taiwanese ceramics, which achieved good results at the order meeting. This so-called "you" of us has more than 20 people, but in fact, the biggest contributor to those large orders is only Wei Guoning. Shuoyuan got the booth closest to the main road at the order meeting, which was the result of Wei Guoning's own money to invite people to drink and massage. Nowadays, in this market, commodities are as numerous as cattle hair, much the same,stesweet stevia, and it is no longer the age when wine is not afraid of deep lanes. Looking back on the booths in many corners, the door was empty, which was really horrible.



Wolf God (Yue Guan)

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: He finished and plucked a golden pheasant feather from his head. As soon as he rubbed it in his hand, a blue flame burned in the palm of his hand, and as soon as the wizard raised it, the sparks of the fire drifted out, and in the sound of his almost sleep-inducing incantation, the bodies of the fallen soldiers staggered to their feet in a pool of blood. Their eyes were dull, their faces were expressionless, their swords were deep to the hilt, and some of them still had arrows in their eyes, but they stood up after all. They picked up their swords and guns and attacked the enemy. Although they were very slow, the wizard immediately cursed the assassins with slowness. The assassin's speed also slowed down. Nearly a hundred warriors escorted the seven princes, nine princesses and the wizard to the side of the ridge. The wizard raised his sword. After a long string of incantations, a group of flames appeared in the air. It turned into the head of a fire dragon. Roaring into the forest diagonally ahead, where there are still a few magicians hidden, as long as the forest is ignited. There's no place for them. The fire dragon roared, and three wind dragons rushed out of the forest immediately, blowing the fire dragon away, and the flames rolled back. The flames rose on the battlefield for a while, and a large group of fighting undead and assassins were involved. The assassins complained, but the undead did not care, even if the fire,cosmetic plastic tube, still clumsily and resolutely continue to besiege the enemy. The dozens of green-scaled monsters played a role at this time. They form a circle on the periphery, looking at each other from end to end. Ordinary crossbows can't penetrate their thick scales at all, and the fire is shielded by them. They are like a living battle fortress. It's very difficult to break through their protective circle and enter the inside line calmly. Cross the river! Occupying the peak on that side, the assassin will not stay long, and the army of the Tagore Empire will come as soon as they get the news! The seven princes raised their machetes and roared. The barbarian soldiers fought and walked, protecting him from the tight encirclement and moving to the right side of the mountain. As soon as they got on the bridge, a tornado roared out of the forest and rolled up the river under the bridge, setting off huge waves and crashing into the soldiers on the bridge. Hey! It's just right! The seven princes,metal cosmetic tubes, the nine princesses, and the great wizards, who had turned pale with fright, heard the sound and looked up. The huge waves rose and rolled over their heads. But at that moment, they saw two objects with bright and soft white light arc across the sky and stop over their heads. The next moment, the huge waves hit down, although they tried to stand firm, but the strength of the huge waves hit the sky is too big, they were rushed to the right side of the bridge. When the huge wave rolled up to the right side of the bridge, it was blocked by an air wall. With a bang, the huge wave seemed to hit the rocks, surging up a large group of spray, and then broke on the bridge deck. Most of the magic used by the wizard needs various props and drugs to assist, at this time the whole body is wet, plastic laminted tube ,eye cream packing tube, many magic can not be used, he can not help but be surprised and angry. The two milky white luminaries in the air were gone. On the bridge were four handsome men and beautiful women. A blue-haired man and a white-haired girl stood in front of them, smiling at them. The other two blond men and women, each holding a sword, jumped into the jungle like an enclave. Adjutant Jedisaker of the Tagore Imperial City Defense Force has been ordered to protect the envoys of the Sauron Empire, the Seven Princes and the Nine Princesses. If I'm not mistaken, it's you two. Which one is the Seven Princes and the Nine Princesses of the Sauron Empire? Jed said to the drowned chickens with a smile. Clack! Lightning continued to strike, and the sky became gloomy. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder rolled in the clouds. Lightning struck down one by one, bombarding the two men and women with swords. They jumped and dodged, swinging gently, gracefully and nimbly. Lightning always missed their bodies by one step. At the same time, they brandished their swords at Diaoling and were about to rush into the jungle. What a great skill! The seven princes, who had always been arrogant, saw this kind of superior skill, and their arrogance did not stop. "It's not the way to treat guests when we are on a diplomatic mission to your country. I hope the Queen of your country can give us a reasonable explanation!" Camilla, the nine princesses, saw that her party was now in a mess and intended to save face. She adjusted her clothes and came forward to question sullenly. Camilla was a head taller than Jed, but she was trim and slender. Can not see the slightest taste of a simple and crude, her appearance is very sweet, and a little more heroic spirit, plus that slender and handsome figure. There is a different kind of charm, although it is questioned, it looks aggressive, but it is difficult to make people feel disgusted. I think the queen will give you a satisfactory answer to this question. Please cross the bridge at once. They will retreat if their attack fails. We will contact the governor of Narnia to send a large army to escort you to the capital. At this time. Picasso and Celeste were already in the jungle, and once they were in close combat, the magicians were useless. From time to time, there was a terrible sound in the forest. More than five hundred masked assassins, who had lost the cover of the magician, were in turn encircled by officers and soldiers, the barbarian warriors of the Sauron Empire, and the resurrection of dead bodies. Jed led the nine princes and others to the foot of the mountain, where steep inclined cliffs were used as a barrier, even if they were besieged, they would not be attacked from both sides. The seven princes, who had always been arrogant, had not spoken since Jed and others appeared, not because he was frightened by the cold water in the river, but because he saw the little fox girl. As the seven princes of the Sauron Empire. Since he was thirteen years old, he has transformed from a boy into a man under the guidance of a mature and beautiful court teacher. His women have grown exponentially and countless. He also has a special hobby of collecting beauties of all races: orc beauties, fox women, cat women and snake women. It can be found everywhere in the house work he raised. He had never been so fascinated as he was today, and he was completely fascinated by Lolita, the little fox girl. Lolita is a fox beauty, but because she has stayed in human society for a long time, her temperament and expression are different from ordinary fox girls, which alone makes her superior to other beautiful fox girls. What's more,pump tube, she has already comprehended the natural instinct of the fox clan'seduce the soul eye 'and'daughter fragrance', even if it is not deliberately displayed, she can't help showing some charm of ecstasy.




Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Wanli had been nervous a few days ago, and now when she saw the big secretary, her heart was beating wildly, thinking in a panic, when the big secretary greeted her, how should she react, what should she say, whether to show excitement or calm down, whether to say a few more words or a few less words, Wanli looked at the big secretary in a panic, waiting for him to say hello. But unexpectedly, the big secret did not seem to know her, he always had a peaceful smile on his face, saw everyone with the same smile, his eyes had communicated with everyone, but it seemed that there was no communication at all, and treated Wanli the same way, his eyes clearly saw Wanli, but it seemed that he did not see it, at least he did not recognize Wanli at all. Just as Wanli had never come into contact with him, had never met him, had never had dinner together, and had played all kinds of jokes during the dinner, Wanli in the eyes of the Great Secretary at this time was an ordinary student of the Party School whom he had never recognized, one sixtieth of an ordinary one, without any particularity. Wanli had imagined the meeting in advance. She would shake hands with her and talk with an affectionate smile. Others would know that they knew each other and had a relationship. So they answered some doubts. Would the big secret introduce her to Secretary Zhou? If introduced, how would Secretary Zhou react? If the secretary had mentioned her to Secretary Zhou in advance,custom cosmetic packing, Secretary Zhou might have laughed and said, "Ah, you are Wanli.". If the secretary did not have a chance to recommend Wanli to Secretary Zhou in advance, at this time, Secretary Zhou would at least shake hands with Wanli with a smile and say, ah, it's Wanli's classmate, good, good. I thought about everything, but I didn't expect that when I arrived at the scene,empty cosmetic tubes, all the ideas didn't happen. The big secretary didn't mean to shake hands with her at all, not even a knowing look, let alone introduce her to Secretary Zhou. Wanli was a little confused for a moment and thought in a trance, was this the person she saw last time? In a trance, Wanli followed everyone into the meeting hall and found that everyone in the meeting hall had a seat card, which was relatively rare. It was normal to put a seat card in a meeting or dinner at ordinary times. But today is the graduation ceremony of a graduating class, and everyone has a seat card. Is this necessary? Sure enough, not only Wanli, but also other students noticed this phenomenon. Someone said strangely, "Hey, even we all have seat cards?"? When Secretary Zhou heard this classmate's words, he first looked at the rostrum and then looked at the audience. He smiled and said, President Huang, I know what you mean. Let me also know the students in this class, right? Principal Huang hurriedly said, exactly, exactly. Secretary Zhou laughed and said, "This is also a criticism of me. I have always said that I want to understand this class and care about this class, but I am busy until the last day.". President Huang hastened to say, cosmetic tube packaging ,plastic cosmetic tubes, "Secretary Zhou, you can come, which is a great encouragement to us. It is the first time that the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee has come to attend the graduation ceremony of one of our classes in our Party School.". Secretary Zhou laughed again. When the leader on the stage spoke, the students under the stage also found their own seats and began to take their seats. When Secretary Zhou sat down, the students under the stage were almost seated. Wanli was still in the first row. Secretary Zhou's eyes swept back and forth from the seat cards and faces of the students in the first row. Looking at a name, he looked at the student's face. He nodded kindly and smiled. Sitting on the left of Secretary Zhou was Minister Wu, Publicity Department of the Provincial Party Committee. After he nodded to Wanli, he attached himself to Secretary Zhou's ear, looked at Wanli and said a few words. When Secretary Zhou looked at Wanli again, there was more intimacy in his smile. He pointed Wanli with his hand from above and said, "You are Wanli's classmate, from Nanzhou.". Wanli blushed and quickly stood up and said, Secretary Zhou. Secretary Zhou said that he was very young. Wanli is embarrassed, and she is not young. Secretary Zhou said, Xiao Wan, aren't you young? Aren't we supposed to blush sitting here? Everyone laughed. President Huang sat on the edge of the rostrum and turned his head to talk to Secretary Zhou. The audience could not hear him, but Wanli's feeling seemed to be talking about her, because as soon as President Huang finished speaking, Secretary Zhou looked at Wanli and smiled, saying, "Good, good, good-the third good word has not yet fallen, Nie Xiaomei has come to the rostrum." Respectfully handed a very old book from below to Secretary Zhou. Secretary Zhou wanted to take it, but because the rostrum was a little too high to reach, Nie Xiaomei ran up the rostrum from the right stairs and stood in front of Secretary Zhou, saying, Secretary Zhou, this is your work. Secretary Zhou didn't seem to expect this. He picked up the book and looked at it. He said, Hey, your classmate, where did you find this book? This is what I wrote when I was in the writing group of the Prefectural Party Committee. You see, I have learned from Dazhai in agriculture for more than 20 years, and I have forgotten it myself. Nie Xiaomei said, Secretary Zhou, please sign for me. Secretary Zhou seemed embarrassed to smile and said, I can't find this book at home. At this moment, the big secret seemed to come out of the ground and appeared beside Nie Xiaomei. He said politely and impolitely, "This classmate, would you please go back to your seat?"? Nie Xiaomei was stunned and said, "Secretary Zhou, it's not easy for us to see you." Secretary Zhou said, "OK, OK, just sign it.". Secretary hurriedly handed over the pen, Secretary Zhou signed, Nie Xiaomei excitedly walked to the stage, the steps did not see clearly, three steps as two steps, almost fell down from the stage. Wanli saw it in her eyes, her heart jumped and her face turned red, as if she were losing face for herself. I don't know where she got the pamphlet from more than twenty years ago. On the rostrum, Minister Wu told Secretary Zhou that this female classmate, Nie Xiaomei, was also from Nanzhou. Secretary Zhou said, are you from Nanzhou again? He nodded and smiled at Wanli, who was sitting in the first row, and said, "You Nanzhou, the female comrades are awesome.". Everyone laughed again. During this period,eye cream packaging tube, Wanli's eyes touched the big secretary several times, but the big secretary always kept his habit: smiling, but it was a kind of polite and polite smile that he did not recognize.



God King of the Ten Directions Author: Sleepy Dragon ( [Fantasy Novel])

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: The continuous vortex of dozens of Qi movements emerged and appeared horizontally around the Great Devouring Spirit Map, interweaving the vast and majestic power of the Great Heaven and Earth. With a sniff, the Great Devouring Spirit Map, which was formed by the condensation of dozens of Devouring Spirit Maps, was directly torn apart. In an instant, in this killing array, all the dense spirits of resentment disappeared, and the turbulent evil spirit also disappeared together. His eyes were deep and cold, and the light of his eyes moved again. In this big killing array, the dense lines of the array were annihilated in an instant. This, this is really. In the distance, the old Taoist priest could not help shivering, and was shocked by Lin Tian's fighting power at this time. Go against the sky! Go against the sky! The old hoodlum is speechless. Dozens of devouring spirit maps were broken in an instant, and dozens of seventy-two winged strong people joined forces to spend months engraving the big killing array in this place, which was also destroyed in an instant, and all this was just a sweep of Lin Tian's eyes. Destiny eye, controlling the luck of heaven and earth, transcending order, with enough cultivation to support, is simply. yuan Huang's eyes are full of fine awn. On the huge remnant star in the distance, the divine key and the man in Tsing Yi were also shocked. At this time, his eyes rarely moved away from the body without clothes, fell on Lin Tian, fell on Lin Tian's fate eyes, and his eyes were all flashing. Dad, your eyes are so handsome! Ruoxian shouted. Only no clothes is very quiet, with thousands of snow playing the song of reincarnation,tube lip gloss, the long sound of the flute floating in the whole sea of magic stars. These flute sounds, in coordination with the reincarnation forging magic, resonate with each other, making the holy awn outside Lin Tian's body turbulent. You Forty-one strong men with seventy-two wings looked at Lin Tian, all stained with blood, and could not help retreating, shocked and angry. At the same time, these people can not help but look at the distance without clothes, all eyes are showing the color of regret. How did this happen?! Dozens of them, early in the morning from the God key and Tsing Yi man there to get two people's blood,polyfoil tube, with two people's original blood as the medium, to build a strong detention array, and then no clothes forced detention here, thinking of Lin Tian and no clothes family all here to suppress, but never thought, they forced detention over no clothes, strength completely beyond their imagination, completely beyond their expectations. All of them work together, but they can't even get close to no clothes. At this moment, Lin Tian's fighting power suddenly soared to an unimaginable height, and they all thought that it was related to the sound of the flute played by no clothes at this time. Damn, damn, damn! The men clenched their hands. Originally, Lin Tian's previous fighting power has been weakening, if no one interferes, they can absolutely suppress Lin Tian, however, they will be forced to detain here without clothes at that time, directly changed the war situation, plastic packaging tube ,plastic packing tube, the fighting power has begun to weaken Lin Tian, suddenly become strong again, and strong to a point that they are frightened, now once again firmly suppressed them. Even the killing array and dozens of devouring spiritual maps here were easily destroyed. Keng! The sound of the sword clanks, shaking the sea of stars. Lin Tian's eyes were indifferent. After destroying dozens of devouring pictures and the big killing array here, he moved again. The colorful sword in his hand was drawn out at will. In an instant, a large area of sharp sword was cut down toward dozens of people. The sword was much sharper than before, and in a twinkling of an eye it came to the front of forty-one strong men with seventy-two wings. Forty-one people trembled together, and at the moment they tried their best to support the defense of the chain of order. However, it is useless at all. Five hundred times the battle force superimposed, this random sword, will be dozens of people to support the order of God chain all cut to pieces. After that, the trend of the sword did not decrease, and it continued to fall, smashing all the forty-one people. However, after all, these people are the strongest level in the universe. Although their bodies are broken, their spirits are not annihilated under this sword. They quickly retreat with their spirits wrapped in pieces of flesh and blood. In a twinkling of an eye, they are re-condensed into bodies. With a whoosh, someone rushed directly to the God Key and the man in Tsing Yi. They arrived in a twinkling of an eye. With one hand, they quickly made a seal, which made the God Array that trapped the God Key and the man in Tsing Yi suddenly vibrate, emitting a very frightening breath of destruction. They stared at Lin Tian: "Samsara body, captured without a fight!"! Otherwise, we will end them immediately. "Hum!" Void shaking, directly interrupted the man's words, Lin Tian eyes swept, cold and cold, instantly behind the man opened a gas crack, the diameter of about Zhang Xu, straight into the man involved. Nope Frightening screams came from inside, and the next moment, the big crack of luck disappeared without a trace. At the same time, Lin Tian took only one step and appeared on the remnant star. His eyes moved slightly, and the power of Qi was interwoven, which made the divine pattern array trapped outside the body of the divine key and the man in Tsing Yi disintegrate in an instant. It's all right. He said to the divine key and the man in Tsing Yi. Now, his destiny is wide open, five hundred times the power of battle is superimposed, and it is easy to break through this divine array. Thank you, thank you, Lin Tian! The two men's faces were full of gratitude, and then their eyes moved to look at the place where they had no clothes. After looking at the past, their eyes were somewhat evasive. Lin Tian knew that they felt ashamed of Wu Yi, so he didn't dare to face up to Wu Yi. "It's all right," he said. "She won't blame.." "Boom!" Suddenly, the sea of magic stars shook so much that his words were interrupted. Liuli Emperor Furnace, now! Forty-one seventy-two winged strong people did not know when to get together, each with a surge of anger in their eyes, at this moment with the same seal, instantly opened a huge space crack. Among them, the holy light surged, and then a treasure furnace appeared. Inside, the immortal fire surged, nine feet high. As soon as it appeared, it emitted a horrible breath, which seemed to burn all things in the world. Chapter 2253 the most powerful ancestor. Seeing the glass treasure stove, Lin Tian's eyes crossed a touch of fine awn, this treasure stove, extraordinary, very extraordinary. The divine key changed color even more: "The treasure of the town clan!" She used to be the strongest member of the guardian clan of Heaven,plastic laminated tube, and she naturally recognized this glass furnace. She is the treasure of the guardian clan of Heaven, and has been worshipped in the holy mountain of the clan. She needs at least thirty top members with seventy-two wings in the clan to urge her to move, and she has a very terrible power.



The Scavenging Life of the Prodigal God

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Jiuxi Mountain was the place where they met for the first time. At that time, the little boy lost his way and the little girl took him out of the mountain. So the little girl kept saying that he picked it up by himself. The little girl put her hands on her hips, learning to raise the goddess's usual fierce appearance, trying to bluff the little boy in front of her, but unfortunately the tender baby face is a lovely look. Undaunted, the little boy grabbed her and said, "You're lying. The other gods outside say that master is my birth parent every day, but every time I ask them what a birth parent is, they never mention it." The little boy was holding the little girl with two hands, but suddenly a gust of wind blew up his sideburns, and one of them ate one of his own hair without noticing. He quickly pulled out a hand, pulled the hair that had been scattered during the chase, and continued, "If I knew my parents, then I should have called Master the Father God. But whenever I mentioned this, Master was very unhappy and confused me." The little girl patted the little boy on the shoulder as if she had not been caught by the hand of an adult. She did not forget to touch the little boy's face and said, "Since so many gods say such things, it must be reasonable. Your master is not happy that you call him father. Naturally, he has his own reasons." I don't know where to hear the words,empty lotion tubes, the little girl continued to encourage: "You don't care about those adults, just remember that you were picked up by me, they often say that life without brains is the happiest." The little boy thought for a moment and said, "You mean a contented person is always happy?" The little girl curled her lips and said, "The meaning is almost the same. Why do you think so much at such a young age?" "Five thousand years old is not young." The little boy was afraid that the little girl would be angry and argued in a low voice. He remembered that the Goddess of Education had said that human beings came of age very early and could not live for a hundred years. Compared with human beings, they had already lived for several lifetimes. He could not say that he was still young. I haven't seen you for a while, but you have learned to argue with me? See what I can do to you. The little girl threw a few fireballs with spiritual power. The fireballs began to look quite powerful, but they went out with a "sniff" before they flew out a few steps. The little boy did not hide. Anyway,custom cosmetic packaging, even if he stood still, it didn't matter according to past experience. The little girl saw that he was not afraid at all and was even more angry: "You actually look down on me, I … …" I The little girl couldn't say anything powerful for a long time. She cried with a cry of "wow". While crying, she sobbed and said, "I'm going to tell your master that you bullied me." Whoo, whoo.. The little boy looked at a loss. He stood still. How could he bully her? The more the little girl cried, the more sad she became. Finally, he sat on the ground and hurried forward to help her up. As a result, the little girl angrily shook off his hand. Seeing her like this, the little boy could only squat down, took out a hairpin with a pink crystal and handed it to her, saying, "Don't you always envy the goddesses for having beautiful hairpins?"? I have nothing to exchange with them, cosmetic tube ,pump tube, can only do it yourself, you don't cry, how can I be willing to bully you. While sobbing, the little girl secretly opened her fingers to look at the hairpin, and did not pick it up, so she continued to sob, but the tears had stopped, leaving only a dry howl. Seeing that the method worked, the little boy made a gesture to put away the hairpin and said with regret, "You refused to accept it because I made it too ugly. Then I will give it to other goddesses and make a better one for you next time." As soon as the little girl heard this, she grabbed the hairpin and said, "Since it's for me, how can I give it to someone else? Just be ugly. I don't mind. But if you want to make a better hairpin for me, then make it for me earlier." The little boy nodded, as long as she did not cry, let alone a hairpin, ten hairpins are no problem. The seventy-first chapter is one after another. Yueqingmei was aware that the scene in her dream was very good. Just as she was about to continue to look down, she was suddenly disturbed by a spiritual force in her dream. The spiritual platform, which had been somewhat chaotic, suddenly Pure Brightness. She slowly felt the noise around her, and felt bitter in her mouth. A pungent and unpleasant smell of medicine was passing through her tongue and flowing into her throat. Finally, she could not help opening her eyes slowly. "Doctor, please stay. My master is awake. Come and have a look!" Seeing Yue Qingmei wake up, Ruyan hurriedly called in the doctor who had gone to the door, and Feng Huai'an followed the doctor into the room. The Imperial Physician exclaimed, "If the girl can wake up so quickly, it should be no big deal. It's just that she has to continue to drink the medicine. When the medicine is finished these days, if there are no other symptoms, there is no need to fill the medicine again." Yue Qingmei thanked the old doctor, and when Ruyan sent the old doctor out, she looked at Feng Huai'an and asked, "Has it been confirmed that the four princes are going to enter the Kingdom of Li?" Feng Huai An saw that the first thing she did when she woke up was to ask this question. She said coldly, "You left the window open in the middle of the night. Are you so worried about this that you vomit blood?" "Answer me first." "No, my father is still thinking about it. The ministers have different opinions. There won't be a result so soon." When Yueqingmei heard him say this, she knew that the effect of the ghost flower had not yet come into play. She didn't ask any more questions. She leaned back lazily and felt a foreign body sensation on the back of her head. Then she remembered that she had used an aloes wood hairpin before she fainted, and that she probably hadn't taken it off yet. You haven't answered the question I asked just now. Feng Huai An really couldn't ignore the fact that she wanted to be married and vomited blood. She also thought that Feng Mingcheng had told him that the conversation between them was not going well. She once again affirmed the idea that Yue Qingmei was because of Feng Yun. Yue Qingmei only said "no", and then did not answer again, such as smoke to send the doctor back to see the strange atmosphere in the room, pick up the medicine just did not finish to prepare to heat up. Feng Huai An stopped her and took the medicine and said, "You don't have to bother so much. Put the medicine down and go out." After waiting for the smoke to go out, he put the medicine aside and sat down in front of Yue Qingmei and said, "Since it's not because of the younger brother of the seven emperors, why on earth did you do this?" Yue Qingmei thought about it carefully. In fact, she didn't know the reason. At that time,aluminium laminated tube, the force was too overbearing. She was caught off guard. Fortunately, the wooden hairpin blocked most of her at that time. Otherwise, I'm afraid it would be a bad luck.

